Showing posts with label kolhrabi germination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kolhrabi germination. Show all posts

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Kohlrabi Seeds Germination ,Growing ,Care Use and its Health Benefits



This is the easiest method for a spring sowing although for an autumn crop the seed should be sown directly.

  • Over fill the seed module tray with good quality multi-purpose compost with the lumps removed.
  • Firmly tap the tray on a solid surface to settle the compost. Scrape away the excess compost from the surface so that the compost is level with the top of the modules.
  • Use a pencil or your finger to make a hole in the compost of each module about 2cm deep.
  • Drop one seed into each hole and sprinkle in a little compost over the seed so that the compost is again level with the top of the module.Water the compost.
  • Place the seeds on a windowsill or any light and airy position where the temperature is in the range 50°F / 10°C to 80°F / 27°C, room temperature is ideal. Kohlrabi seeds will germinate in temperatures as low as 40°F / 4.5°C.
  • The seeds will germinate in about 10 days and be ready for planting outside in four weeks.


The plants will be ready for hardening off about four weeks after sowing seed. Hardening off is simply the process of gradually acclimatizing the plants to outside conditions and should take a week or so. The plants will be about 8cm high when they are ready for planting out.


Tip the plant out of the module and plant it in the ground (in the soil media) gently firming the soil around it. Each plant should be 30cm / 1ft apart and if planting more than one row, the rows should be 25cm / 10in apart. This is particularly important because the edible part of kohlrabi is the stem just above soil level which swells into a small ball shape. If the stem where the ball forms is partially or fully below soil level it will rot.


Kohlrabi can be sown outside either for an early summer or an autumn crop. Kohlrabi has an excellent germination rate even in cold conditions so there is no need to sow the seeds densely. Before sowing prepare the soil media. Make a groove in the soil about 1 to 2cm deep and sow one seed every 5cm / 2in. Cover with soil with compost and sprinkle water.


Do water the plants in dry weather conditions because lack of water will lead to woody stems. They need more water compared to most other plants.

To help with water retention a mulch around them will do wonders. Grass cuttings are an ideal and cheap solution which will slowly rot down and provide a small amount of nitrogen feed.