Tuesday 31 January 2017

Nicotiana flower seed germination

Nicotina is an annual plant. It produces delicious fragrant that attracts birds and bees.Mostly it is bloomed in summer. The flower can be bloomed all season. It has many colours- red, white, pink, yellow and lavender colours.

Scientific name: Nicotiana Alata
Season: Annual and perennial both
USDA Zones: N/A( But reseeds itself, it will act like a perennial)
Height: 36 - 48 inches
Bloom Season: Summer through fall
Bloom Color: Light Pink-White
Soil and Water: Average
Temperature: 75 - 80F
Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
Light Required: Sun - part shad
Depth: 1/4 inch

Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
Plant Spacing: 15 - 18 inches
Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Clay Soil


Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 5 centimeter. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.

As the seeds are perfect in size then you can put the seeds over it by 1/3 after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 1 cm (one centimeter)

Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then  mix all the three ingredients into one container.

Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 liter water) after sowing the seeds.We have to careful about putting the seed because seeds will not to go deep inside the mixture.

Thereafter  spreed the Nicotiana seeds on the mixture. If your seeds are so tiny then you can spreed water very lightly and carefully on the seed.Make sure that the water must be mixed with diluted fungicide powder.It is very important to notice to follow that the seeds will not to go very deep inside the mixture by speeding water on the seed, if it happen then the fertilization of the seeds are become difficult.

 Cover tightly  plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a dimly light area of the house. Lift the plastic daily to check that the soil is moist. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic. Expect germination within three to five days.

Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area over a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight.

Minimum  warm, above 60ºF (15.5ºC), is needed inside the container and it should be placed in sunny area.After that the whole thing should be covered with a poly bag and after 21 days later the plastic can be removed.

IMPORTANT WATERING USE : Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist.

Capsicum Seed Germination ,Growing ,Care, Use and its Health Benefits.

 Capsicum is a vegetable which usually used as an ornamental fruit. It is an annual plant, however, be grown as perennials in tropical regions where temperatures remain between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit year round.


Plant Features:

    Common name: Capsicum
    Botanical Name: Capsicum annum
    Other names: Sweet Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Paprika
    Indian names: Shimla Mirch (Hindi)
    Vegetable type: Fruit Vegetable
    Varieties: Green, Red, Yellow, Purple, Orange, WhiteSeason: Annual
    USDA Zones: 3 - 10
    Height: 60 - 84 inches
    Flower colour: white
    Bloom Season: Summer through fall
    Bloom Color: Yellow, red, green etc
    Environment: Full sun
    Foliage: densely branched
    Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8
    Temperature: 75 - 80F
    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
    Width/Spacing: 20 to 30 cm
    Depth: 1/4 inch

    Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination


    Make sure you have a good place to grow your capsicums. They need a sunny place to grow with some air flow so they don’t succumb to fungal diseases. If you don’t have a lot of room you can plant them in large pots or along a wall as long as there is a breeze.

    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 5 centimetres. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.

    Start with a pot or tray of good seedling mix from your garden centre (not ordinary garden soil from your backyard). 


    Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermiculite. Then mix all the three ingredients into one container. 
    Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water) after sowing the seeds.Plant your seeds in pots so it is easy to transplant them into their final place.

    Tickle the top of the soil with your fingers, then sprinkle your seeds over the top and add a little more soil to cover. Give them a little water, just enough to keep the soil damp, but not too wet. When they are around 10-15cm tall.

    Your capsicum seeds will not germinate until the temperature of the soil is right. They prefer a temperature of around 20 to 25°C before they will break dormancy, and they must not be planted outside until all chance of frost is over.

    Make sure that the water must be mixed with diluted fungicide powder.It is very important to notice to follow that the seeds will not to go very deep inside the mixture by speeding water on the seed if it happens then the fertilization of the seeds become difficult.

    Need to routine  check about the soil moist or not. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray. Expect germination within three to five days.

    If you want to start them a few weeks before the expected date of your last frost you can plant the seeds in pots and place them inside on a warm, sunny windowsill, or you can buy an electric seed starting tray at any garden or hardware store.

    The main pests that attack capsicums are aphids and whitefly. Aphids are little bugs that suck sap from the tips of the plant shoots and whitefly are tiny white bugs that fly around when you disturb your plants. Aphids can be controlled with pyrethrum spray or soapy water and whitefly can be caught on pieces of bright yellow card coated with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. They are both pests that can damage your capsicums and spread diseases.Or treat them using organic pesticides like Neem Oil. In areas with higher humidity levels, good plant spacing is essential to ensure air flow and help minimise the number of potential mould problems.

    Harvest season:

    Capsicum will be ready for harvest about 2 months from planting. Capsicum of hybrid varieties start green and then mature to their original colour. The great thing about capsicums is that they bear right through the season until they are killed by frosts. You can harvest the capsicums and chillis at any stage when they are green, or wait till they turn their ripe colour, which is usually red or yellow, at which time they will have a stronger flavour. Most varieties can be picked a little unripe and will still fully ripen on a windowsill.

    Capsicum can be propagated by seeds from a healthy harvest. However, seeds for next season will not develop in hybrid varieties.Capsicum loves the sunny and warm exposure. It is a tropical plant but very much adaptable to temperate climates with moderate winter, when grown on the ground
    After the seedlings germinate, they can relocate to a sunny south- or west-facing window. The soil is kept moist at all times, but not allowed to get soggy. Once the seedlings have three true leaves, they are fed every two weeks with a liquid houseplant fertilizer. Pinching out the growth tips isn't necessary.

    Monday 30 January 2017

    Godetia grandiflora flower seed Germination ,Growing ,Care.

    Godetia Grandiflower is an annual flower bloomed in spring.It is also considered as a wildflower.Colors include white, pink, purple, lavender, and red.It is a quickly grown flower.It is a good source of attracting birds and bees.Godetia, also known as Clarkie, Farewell to Spring, and Satin Flower, is commonly grown across the United States, but it is native to western North America. 


    English Name(s): Clarkia, Farewell to Spring
    Genus: Godetia
    Species: Grandiflora
    Variety: Azalea-flowered, Dwarf Double
    Family Name: Onagraceae
    Moisture: Well-drained
    Season: Annual
    Hardiness: Hardy
    USDA Zones: 3 - 7
    Height: 24 inches
    Bloom Season: Summer through fall
    Bloom Color: Mix
    Environment: Full sun
    Suitable for: Summer Bedding, Cut Flowers
    Colour: Mixed
    Flowers: April, May, June, July, August
    Soil Type: Most well-drained  pH 6.6 - 7.3
    Temperature: 75 - 80F
    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
    Depth: 1/4 inch
    Plant Spacing: 6 - 8 inches
    Soil Acidity: Alkaline, Neutral, Acid
    Soil Type: Chalk, Sand, Loam

    Godetia can be grown in hardiness zone 3 - 7, although in zone 6 they’re likely to die back to the ground in winter.Godetia flower best in full sun (at least six hours per day).

    Godetia loves the sunny and warm exposure. It is a tropical plant but very much adaptable to temperate climates with moderate winter, when grown on the ground.Godetia should be planted in soil with lower nutrient levels; it has been known to grow in soils that are sandy, alkaline, or those that contain salt. A Godetia that is planted in nutrient-rich soils will produce more foliage and fewer blooms. For this reason, you should not fertilize Godetia plants with high nitrogen fertilizers or you will get the same result: all foliage and no flower
    Godetia does well in most any kind of soil, as long as it’s well-drained. The ideal soil pH is neutral to slightly acidic.

    For growing Godetia in pots choose a quality potting mix or make your own substrate using equal parts compost, sand, and soil.


    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 5 centimetres. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.

    As the seeds are perfect in size then you can put the seeds over it by 1/3 after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 1 cm (one centimetre)

     Thereafter spread the Godetia seeds in the mixture. If your seeds are so tiny then you can spreed water very lightly and carefully on the seed.Make sure that the water must be mixed with diluted fungicide powder.It is very important to notice to follow that the seeds will not to go very deep inside the mixture by speeding water on the seed, if it happen then the fertilization of the seeds are become difficult.

    Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then  mix all the three ingredients into one container. 
    Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 liter water) after sowing the seeds.We have to careful about putting the seed because seeds will not to go deep inside the mixture.

    For best results, sow after winter seeds directly outdoors into prepared soil when the  temperatures have warmed up. Sow the flower seeds directly into the ground or into pots. Transplanting it is often unsuccessful. Satin Flower Godetia makes an excellent cut flower.
    After the seedlings germinate, they can relocate to a sunny south- or west-facing window. The soil is kept moist at all times, but not allowed to get soggy. Once the seedlings have three true leaves, they are fed every two weeks with a liquid houseplant fertilizer. Pinching out the growth tips isn't necessary.

    Fertilizer and water:

    Work a balanced fertilizer such as 8-8-8, 10-10-10, or 12-12-12 into garden soil at a rate of two pounds per hundred square feet. Later--early to mid-July--begin to use liquid fertilizer every three weeks (weekly for "spreading" petunias). Once the plants have begun to spread, it will be much easier to water this solution into the soil than to side dress with dry fertilizer.Incorporate timed-release fertilizer into the soil when planting window boxes or other containers. Otherwise fertilize regularly every two weeks with a liquid fertilizer meant specially for flowering plants. ("Spreading" types require weekly fertilizing.)Leave sprinklers on long enough to soak the soil to a depth of six to eight inches every time you water. Hanging baskets and other containers also need more frequent watering, perhaps as often as daily, depending on their size and the volume of soil they contain.

    Gladiolus Flowers Bulbs Plantation Growing & Care.

    Gladiolus is is a perennial flower.It has many different beautiful coloured. Gladiolus is grown between 2 to 6.This plant is very easy to grow and also attracted by butterflies and birds.

    Gladiolus plants grow wonderfully in the warm weather of summer.
    Gladiolus, one of the most popular ornamental flowers, stands for strength and moral integrity.  

    The best time to plant gladiolus would be spring. When the soil is good enough to plant sweet bulb. The plant prefers warm soil, so need to start the planting process in mid-May. Gladiolus comes in a variety of colours. So do choose as per the climate.

    Plantation guide

    Plant the gladiolus bulbs in the spring once the soil has warmed.

    Ready your garden by using a garden fork or tiller and loosen the soil to about 12 to 15 inches deep.

    After loosening the soil, mix in a 2– to 4–inch layer of compost.

    Set the bulb in the hole about 4 inches deep with the pointed end facing up. Cover with soil.
    Space the corms 3 to 6 inches apart. Water the corms thoroughly.
    Gladioli like well-drained, light soil and full sun.

    It takes about 80 to  100 days from the time gladioli are planted to root, grow, bloom, and store enough energy for the next season.

    IMPORTANT WATERING USE: Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist

    Saturday 28 January 2017

    Plant Rust Disease And Treatment

    The plant material rather large family of common rust fungi that attack plants. It is often affected by what part of the rusts many gardeners are thinking confused what to do. But when it was first planted, unfamiliar rust treatment of the disease can be treated.

    Symptoms of Plant Rust Plant, in the same very easy to rust fungi. The colour of the leaves and stems of the plant can be attributed to diseases of the moth. The rust will not start out as a patch, and will eventually grow into bumps. Under the verdigris green leaves almost flat.

    The good news is that so many the colour of rust, and so late, you will see a certain rust when the leaves of the plants of the same species of plants, types of herbs and you will not see a thing is seen in the area,

    Rust Treatment For the rusts, prevention is the best defence. Mold thrives in a moist environment, so they do not over water your plants. So, make sure your branches and in heavy soles of the feet with the good air circulation inside the plant itself. This will help keep the leaves of the fig tree wither faster.

    If the only the sole of rust they affect your credit, remove the rust from the bottom of this first sign of colour of gold by the leaves on the affected. The faster the movement of the blades can be removed from the safety case of the plant. Leaves ratified. Not compost them.

    Why at this time wash plants with a fungicide, such as a neem oil. Skip to leaves and grass to remove handle until all signs of rust only inhabitants.

    Friday 27 January 2017

    Bottle gourd Germination ,Growing ,Care, Use and its Health Benefits.

    Bottle gourd is an climbing annual vine plant. It has large leaves and it looks very lush as it grows.Bottle Gourd is mostly available in tropical countries.


    Bottle gourd is a very common vegetable plant and its very easy to grow in any where. Only one thing you must notice that your soil should be moist and the drainage pattern must be well. It can be sowed directly in the soil.
    [Grow in hills as you would pumpkins. Train onto fence or trellis. Harvest gourds before frost. Dry fruit thoroughly in warm, dark place.]
    Bottle Gourd requires hot and moist climate for its cultivation.

    Sandy and a wide range of soil require.

    Soil preparation:
    Bottle gourd can be grow in wide range of soil. But it thrives well in sandy loam soils , the land or main field should be prepared thoroughly by 6-7 ploughings and pH range in should be fom 6-8 in bottle gourd cultivation. This vegetable requires good drainage. Adding organic matter of farm yield manure will make soil rich.

    Miniature Rose Seeds Germination ,Growing And Care.

    Height: 3-5 feet
    Germination time: around 40 Days
    Blooming Season: Early, mid & late summer
    Sun Requirements:  full sun


     1. Test the seeds before planting. Put the seeds in water and discard the seeds that float. Seeds that float may be hallow. The plump, heavier seeds that sink in the water have a better chance of survival.
    2. Purchase a flat container for planting the seeds. This will need to fit into your refrigerator. Consult with your gardening centre to choose the best flat for your needs.
    3. Mix equal parts sand, soil and peat moss. Consult with your gardening centre, as they may have a pre-made mixture that you can purchase. You will need enough to fill the flat.
    4. Fill the flat with the sand, soil and peat moss mixture.
    5. Plant each rose seed ¼-inch deep and space seeds 1 inch apart.
    6. Place the flat in the refrigerator; the desired temperature will be about 40 degrees F. Keep in the refrigerator for about three months to germinate.
    7. Remove the flat from the refrigerator and place in a sunny window, where the room temperature is between 65 to 70 degrees F. Water lightly. Do not over water, and do not allow the soil to get overly dry. Transplant the heartiest of seedlings to the garden the following spring.

    Use a flat tray container about 10 inches by 15 inches (biggest or smaller your choice) 1.5 to 2 inches deep. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage -put the seedling mix you prepared up to almost top leaving about 0.5 inches space-now evenly spread the seeds over it after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 0.5 cm (half a centimeter) -water it by watering can è place the container in semi-shaded place.

    NOTE :

    (1) Rose is drought tolerant plants, but it is afraid floods. It is necessary to use non-glazed bonsai pots for soil cultivation. The principle is "do not pour water on it when the soil is not dry. Wet it completely when you pour water on soil. Roses like liquid fertilizer.

    (2) Lend a high concentration of fertilizer (especially fertilizers) will result in the death of local rot.

    (3) All plants need sunlight. Rose like sunshine too. Fertilization should be diligent in summer, every 15 to 20 days to be applied once a watering time after fertilization to prevent burning seedlings. Fall pruning should be to prevent excessive growth, flowering and plant type of beauty.

    Rose more aphids, pay attention to prevention and treatment.

    Tuesday 24 January 2017

    Tikoma Gauri Chaori The Ornamental Flower,Germination ,Growing and Care.


    Season: Annual
    USDA Zones: 3 - 10
    Height: 12-16 Feet Tall
    Bloom Season:  Late spring and all  the summer
    Bloom Color: Yellow
    Environment: Full sun
    Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8
    Temperature: 75 - 80F
    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
    Light Required: No
    Depth: 1/4 inch

    Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination

    Sow Outdoors: Surface. Following the last frost. Spacing 4 to 6 inches.
    Sow Indoors: Mix seeds in a growing medium, place in a freezer bag, keep moist, then stratify by refrigeration for two to three weeks. Use peat pots. Germination time: one to three weeks in the light. Temperature 75°F (24°C). Seven or eight weeks in advance. Transplant outdoors in the last month of spring.


    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 5 centimetres. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.

    As the seeds are perfect in size then you can put the seeds over it by 1/3 after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 1 cm (one centimetre)

     Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then mix all the three ingredients into one container. 
    Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water) after sowing the seeds.We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.

    IMPORTANT WATERING USE: Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist

    This plants like the sunny and warm exposure. It is a tropical plant but very much adaptable to temperate climates with moderate winter, when grown on the ground.

    For growing in pots choose a quality potting mix or make your own substrate using equal parts compost, sand, and soil.

    Spider Flower Germination ,Growing ,Care, Use and its Benefits.

    The Spider plant is an annual flower.It is known both for its flower shape and its large size.The original name of spider is Cleome.Hot temperature is good for this plant, it requires 70 degrees. Spider seed is very easy to grow and it can be grown in anywhere.


    Season: Annual
    USDA Zones: 3 - 10
    Height: 36 - 42 inches
    Bloom Season: Summer and fall
    Bloom Color: Violet
    Environment: Full sun
    Soil Type: Moist, well-drained, pH 6.6 - 7.5
    Temperature: 68F
    Average Germ Time: 10 - 21 days
    Light Required: Yes
    Depth: Do not cover
    Sowing Rate: 2 - 3 seeds per plant
    Moisture: Keep moist until germination
    Plant Spacing: 18 inches

    Step 1

    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimetres, and fill seedling mediator within 3/4  of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermicompost. Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 liter water) . Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And  Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.

    Step 2

    Sow seeds on the soil surface apart 2 in. Press on the seeds lightly with your fingers so they are in full contact with the soil, but don't cover them with soil because they require light to germinate.We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.  and set the flat inside.

    Step 3
    Moist again with diluted fungicide water ensure the soil surface it's evenly moist. Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit location or in an artificial area of the house that receives indirect light to germinate. Lift the plastic after two days  to check that the soil is moist or not. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic.

    Step 4
    The Spider usually sprout within 10 to 21 days.Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area with six to eight hours of daily sunlight for a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight. Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.

     Step 5

    Transplant the Spider outdoors or in a new pot when they are about 8 weeks old and about 4 to 6 inches tall. Plant at them 8 to 14 inches apart on the ready ground with same depth were they growing at previously.

    IMPORTANT WATERING USE: Use watering can for watering. By moving the water stream constantly waves the can. Do not let the water to flood area. Or use sprayer to spray the water like mist

    After the seedlings germinate, they can relocate to a sunny south- or west-facing window. The soil is kept moist at all times, but not allowed to get soggy. Once the seedlings have three true leaves, they are fed every two weeks with a liquid houseplant fertilizer. Pinching out the growth tips isn't necessary.


    Spider flower can be grown in hardiness zone 6-10, although in zone 6 they’re likely to die back to the ground in winter.


    Spider flower best in full sun (at least six hours per day).


    Spider do well in most any kind of soil, as long as it’s well-drained. The ideal soil pH is neutral to slightly acidic.

    Night Jasmine Flower Seeds Germination ,Growing , And Care.

    Night Jasmine flower is known for it's beautifully fragrant and its beautiful glossy foliage. Jasmines can easily grow both outdoors and indoors.It will be grown 6-8 feet if it can place properly. Jasmines are especially bloomed at night and with the nice fragment.


    It is perennial
    Season: Annual

    Bloom Season: From Winter  to Summer
    Bloom Color: White
    Environment: Full sun
    Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8
    Temperature: 75 - 80F
    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
    Depth: 1/4 inch

    Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
    Plant Spacing: 8 - 12 Feet

    Sow Outdoors: Surface. Following the last frost. Spacing 4 to 24 inches (10 to 60 cm).

    Sow Indoors: Mix seeds in a growing medium, place in a freezer bag, keep moist, then stratify by refrigeration for two to three weeks. Use peat pots. Germination time: one to three weeks in the light. Temperature 75°F (24°C). Seven or eight weeks in advance. Transplant outdoors in the last month of spring.


    Most important: Avoid Rainy day or a cloudy weather for sowing the seeds.
    You will definitely get nothing, wait for the bright sunny day and clear weather.

    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 5 centimetres. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.

    As the seeds are perfect in size then you can put the seeds over it by 1/3 after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 1 cm (one centimetre). Thereafter spread the Jasmine seeds on the mixture. If your seeds are so tiny then you can spread water very lightly and carefully on the seed.Make sure that the water must be mixed with diluted fungicide powder.It is very important to notice to follow that the seeds will not to go very deep inside the mixture by speeding water on the seed if it happens then the fertilization of the seeds have become difficult.

     Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then mix all the three ingredients into one container. 
    Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water) after sowing the seeds.We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.

     Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a dimly lit area of the house. Lift the plastic daily to check that the soil is moist. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic. Expect germination within three to five days.

    Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area over a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight.

    Minimum warm, above 60ºF (15.5ºC), is needed inside the container and it should be placed in the sunny area.After that, the whole thing should be covered with a poly bag and after 21 days later the plastic can be removed.

    Jasmine loves the sunny and warm exposure. It is a tropical plant but very much adaptable to temperate climates with moderate winter, when grown on the ground.

    For growing Jasmine in pots choose a quality potting mix or make your own substrate using equal parts compost, sand, and soil.

    Monday 23 January 2017

    Snapdragon Flower Germination ,Growing ,Care, Use and its Benefits.

    Snapdragon plants are perennial native plant and it has sweet fragrant. Snapdragon can be started from seed.It can be placed before the last frost of the year.It is an annual plant.
    Snapdragon plants are easy to grow. Most varieties are early summer bloomers. Grows 1 1/2' to 3' tall. Snapdragons are excellent in beds, edgings, and containers. They are popular cut flowers for bouquets and vases. Snapdragons attract hummingbirds.


    Sunlight: Full sun
    Maturity: 80-100 days from seed to flower
    Height: 12 to 36 inches
    Spacing: 6 to 18 inches apart in all directions
    Season: Annual
    USDA Zones: 3 - 10
    Bloom Season: winter
    Bloom Color: Mix
    Environment: Full sun
    Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8
    Temperature: 75 - 80F
    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
    Depth: 1/4 inch

    Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
    Plant Spacing: 4 inches


    1.Snapdragon likes full sun. The draining system should be well and it will grow well in average soil.

    2.If the soil is poor then fertilize the seeds before planting.

    3.Snapdragon flowers are bloomed in June and after the death of the flower cut the plant. The rest of the plant can also be grown by adding some general purpose fertilizer.

    4. It is a hardy plant and it can be boomed in heavy frost.


    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimetres, and fill seedling mediator within 3/4  of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermicompost. Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 litre water). Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And  Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.

    Sow seeds on the soil surface apart 2 in. Press on the seeds lightly with your fingers so they are in full contact with the soil, but don't cover them with soil because they require light to germinate.We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.  and set the flat inside.

    Moist again with diluted fungicide water ensure the soil surface it's evenly moist. Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit location or in an artificial area of the house that receives indirect light to germinate. Lift the plastic after two days to check that the soil is moist or not. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic.

     The snapdragons usually sprout within seven to 10 days.Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area with six to eight hours of daily sunlight for two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight. Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.

    Transplant the snapdragons outdoors or in a new pot when they are about 8 weeks old and about 4 to 6 inches tall. Plant at them 8 to 14 inches apart on the ready ground with same depth were they growing at previously.

    Saturday 21 January 2017

    Balloon flower Germination ,Growing ,Care, Use and its Benefits.

    Balloon flower is a native plant.It has many colours like pink, white, blue and many others.During the fall of frost, it is turned into golden color.It has beautiful fragrant that is why many butterflies attract with it. Balloon flower required full to partial shade.


    Season: Annual
    USDA Zones: 3 - 10
    Height: 12" - 18"
    Bloom Season: Late Spring, and again in late summer
    Bloom Color: Purple
    Environment: Full sun
    Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8
    Temperature: 75 - 80F
    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
    Depth: 1/4 inch

    Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
    Plant Spacing: 6- 8 inches


    Most important: Avoid Rainy day or a cloudy weather for sowing the seeds.
    You will definitely get nothing unless you wait for the bright sunny day and clear weather.

    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimetres, and fill seedling media ( OR Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then mix all the three ingredients into one container.)  within 3/4  of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermicompost.

    Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water). Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And  Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.

    Sow seeds on the soil surface apart 2 in. Press on the seeds lightly with your fingers so they are in full contact with the soil, but don't cover them with soil because they require light to germinate.

    We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.  and set the flat inside.
    Moist again with diluted fungicide water ensure the soil surface it's evenly moist. Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit location or in an artificial area of the house that receives indirect light to germinate.

    Lift the plastic after two days  to check that the soil is moist or not. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic.

    The Balloon flower usually sprouts within 14 to 21 days.Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area with six to eight hours of daily sunlight for two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight. Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.

    Transplant the Balloon flower outdoors or in a new pot when they are about 8 weeks old and about 4 to 6 inches tall. Plant at them 6 to 8 inches apart on the ready ground with same depth were they growing at previously.

    Balloon are fast growers and heavy feeders and benefit from regular applications of fertilizer. Mature trees may require as much as 1/2 pound actual nitrogen per year. Apply fertilizer monthly, just prior to heavy pruning.

    After the seedlings germinate, they can relocate to a sunny south- or west-facing window. The soil is kept moist at all times, but not allowed to get soggy. Once the seedlings have three true leaves, they are fed every two weeks with a liquid houseplant fertilizer. Pinching out the growth tips isn't necessary.

    Balloon loves the sunny and warm exposure. It is a tropical plant but very much adaptable to temperate climates with moderate winter, when grown on the ground.

    For growing guava in pots choose a quality potting mix or make your own substrate using equal parts compost, sand, and soil.

    Viper's Bugloss Flower Seed Germination ,Growing ,Care, Use and its Health Benefits.

    Viper bugloss is a native plant.It is used as a border and the buds of start off pink at first, the flowers turn the most exquisite shades of intense blue and as the flowers fade they become tinged with crimson.

    Sow Outdoors: Surface. Following the last frost. Spacing 4 to 24 inches (10 to 60 cm).

    Sow Indoors: Mix seeds in a growing medium, place in a freezer bag, keep moist, then stratify by refrigeration for two to three weeks. Use peat pots. Germination time: one to three weeks in the light. Temperature 75°F (24°C). Seven or eight weeks in advance. Transplant outdoors in the last month of spring.


    Viper bugloss can be grown in heard ness zone 6-10, although in zone 6 they’re likely to die back to the ground in winter.Viper's bugloss is a biennial which requires free draining reasonably open grassland or disturbed soil in which its seed can germinate.Viper's bugloss has a deep and persistent root which allows it to exploit free draining, drought prone land. Viper bugloss like humid climates. Once established, they can tolerate quite a bit of drought.

    viper bugloss flower best in full sun (at least six hours per day).

    viper bugloss do well in most any kind of soil, as long as it’s well-drained. The ideal soil pH is neutral to slightly acidic.

    Prepare the area where they are to grow. Removing any weeds or stones and rake to a fine tilth. Sow thinly, 6mm (¼in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart. Sow the seed sparingly or they will choke out other seedlings. Water ground regularly until the seedlings are established, especially in dry periods. Optimum germination temperature: 60 to 65°F (15 to 18°C).
    If sowing more than one annual in the same bed, consider marking the sowing areas with a ring of sand and a label. The seedlings will appear in rows approx 6 to 8 weeks after planting and can be easily told from nearby weed seedlings.
    Prick out superfluous seedlings rigorously, so that the plants are at least 38cm (18in) apart. They will then have enough space to spread satisfactorily.

    Germination in seedling tray

    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 5 centimeter. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.

    As the seeds are perfect in size then you can put the seeds over it by 1/3 after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 1 cm (one centimeter)

     Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then  mix all the three ingredients into one container. 
    Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 liter water) after sowing the seeds.We have to careful about putting the seed because seeds will not to go deep inside the mixture.

    Sow the seeds should be sown directly outdoors where it is to flower in spring or autumn. They prefer well drained soil in full sun or part shade. The seed can also be sown indoors, but direct sowing is preferable, as they have a long taproot which can be damaged when transplanting. Make two or three successive sowings for continuous flowers.

    This striking species is best viewed and not touched. The sharp spines, which cover the plant, are a powerful deterrent and can be a skin irritant; becoming lodged in the skin much like those of a cactus. If you are tempted by the Viper, please use gloves when handling the plant!

    Plant Uses
    Flowers Borders and Beds, Patio/Container Plants, Cut Flower, Wildlife and wildflower meadows. Bees and Honey making. Butterfly gardens, Drought Tolerant.

    Chrysathemum Flower Seed Germination Growing ,Care, Use.

    Chrysanthemum comes from the Greek language it is sometimes affectionately shortened to "mum".Mum plants are easiest  of all all the perennials in garden.It is cold whether plant.It is bloomed especially in early spring and it can be placed almost any time.


    Season: Perennial
    USDA Zones: 3 - 10
    Height: 50 - 70 inches (vining)
    Bloom Season: Summer through fall

    Environment: Full sun
    Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8
    Temperature: 75 - 80F
    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
    Depth: 1/4 inch

    Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
    Plant Spacing: 8 - 12 inches
    Sowing: February - June
    Water: Medium  

    Chrysanthemum Indicum will grow in almost every type of soil but prefer chalky, well-drained soil and in full sun or semi shade. Chrysanthemum Indicum is a fully hardy flowering mid to late summer. Plants may need supporting in exposed areas. Soak plants before planting them out. This allows them to take up the maximum amount of water without doing any injury to the plant. Deadhead faded flowers to promote a constant supply of fresh blooms. Lift and divide overcrowded clumps in spring or after flowering late summer. Cut old stems to ground level in autumn.


    Step 1

    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimetres, and fill seedling mediator within 3/4  of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermicompost. Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water). Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And  Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.

     Step 2

    Sow seeds on the soil surface apart 2 in. Press on the seeds lightly with your fingers so they are in full contact with the soil, but don't cover them with soil because they require light to germinate.We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.  and set the flat inside.

    Step 3

    Moist again with diluted fungicide water ensure the soil surface it's evenly moist. Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit location or in an artificial area of the house that receives indirect light to germinate. Lift the plastic after two days  to check that the soil is moist or not. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic.

    Step 4

     The Chrysanthemum seeds usually sprout within seven to 14 days. Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area with six to eight hours of daily sunlight for a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight. Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.

    Friday 20 January 2017

    Armeria maritima seed germination ,Growing ,Care, and Use.

    America maritima is known as ' sea thrift'. It is also very tolerant of copper and can grow in areas of high copper soil content where most other plants will die.


    Season: perennial
    USDA Zones: 3 - 10
    Height: 8 - 10 inches
    Bloom Season: Summer through fall
    Bloom Color: Yellow
    Environment: Full sun
    Soil Type: Well-drained, pH 5.8 to 6.8
    Temperature: 70F
    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
    Light Required: full sun
    Depth: 1/4 inch
    Sowing Rate: 2- 3 seeds per plant
    Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
    Plant Spacing: 8 - 12 inches
    Cold treatment: 7 - 10 days


    Sea Thrift is a useful edging plant consisting of tufts of a narrow 4-8 inch long linear, grass-like leaves that spread to form small colonies over time. Held well above the foliage on 12 inch-tall thin, leafless stems are 1-1 ½ inch diameter dome-shaped blooms comprised of many small flowers. Blooms occur in shades of mauve to rosy-pink and last for about three weeks. Plants are sturdy, durable and tolerant of light foot traffic and salt water spray.


    Suitable for container gardening, cottage gardens, edging, mixed beds and borders, and walkways. Plants perform best in sunny, well-drained areas of the garden with some afternoon shade provided. Sea thrift also grows well in other less than ideal conditions, including clay and poor, sandy soils. Sow seeds direct to garden in late summer for blooms the following season or indoors under warm, humid conditions 4-6 weeks prior to last expected spring frost in your area for first season blooms.

    Germination Requirements: 

    Most important: Avoid Rainy day or a cloudy weather for sowing the seeds.

    You will definitely get nothing unless waiting for the bright sunny day and clear weather.
    Please check the forecast before sowing the seeds on the following website :
    Select your Area
    Check the local weather. It will let you know whether forecast for about 7 days of your city

    Use a flat tray container about 10 inches by 15 inches (biggest or smaller your choice) 1.5 to 2 inches deep. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Put the seedling mix you prepared up to almost top leaving about 0.5 inches space. Soak the seeds in warm water for 8 hours before sowing.

    As the seeds are perfect in size now we can put the seeds over it by 1/3 after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 0.5 cm (half a centimetre). Water it by watering can.Germination occurs in 2-3 weeks under warm, moist and humid conditions. place the container in a semi-shaded place. Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water) after sowing the seeds.We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.

    Site and soil
    The most important requirement for growing seasonal flower seeds successfully is a location with plenty of light. Seeds need at least five or six hours of good sunlight but not direct, under semi-shadow they'll perform even better when located in full sun all day. The more shade they receive, the fewer flowers they'll produce.

    It's always useful to improve the garden soil by conditioning it with organic matter, such as baled peat moss, well-rotted leaf compost or manure.
    Spread the organic matter two to three inches thick. Then incorporate it into the soil to a depth of eight to ten inches, using a rototiller or garden fork. This helps open up heavy clay soil, which improves drainage but can also increase the ability of light, sandy soil to hold moisture and nutrients.

    If you intend to sow Armeria seeds outdoors, they should be sowed on the surface and lightly covered with soil in the early spring or early autumn. If you prefer to grow seedlings indoor then seeds should be prepared about ten weeks before they are due to be put out (early spring).

    Wednesday 18 January 2017

    White Pansy Seed Germination,Growing and Care.

    White pansy is a seasonal plant which grows both during the winter and summer.It has beautiful fragrant and it uses many medicinal purposes.It has many colours in it.It likes moist, full sun, soil and well drained.It may be annuals, perennials and hardy biennials.


    Season: Annual and Biennial
    USDA Zones: 5 -9
    Height: 5 to 8 inches
    Bloom Season: Summer through fall
    Bloom Color: White
    Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
    Soil Type: Loamy
    Temperature: 75 - 80F
    Average Germination Time: 15 - 25 days
    Depth: 1/4 inch

    Plant Spacing: 4 - 5 inches


    Pansies perform best in cooler weather and are therefore usually planted in spring or fall. They like rich, well-drained soil high in organic matter, and full sun or partial shade.


    1. Place the pansy seeds in a moistened paper towel and gently fold it to cover the seeds. Set the towel in a plastic resealable bag and place it in the refrigerator for 14 to 20 days. Check the paper towel daily and moisten as necessary with a fine mist of water from a spray bottle. Do not allow the seeds to dry out or they will not germinate. If kept wet and cool, the pansy seeds will start to germinate within two to three weeks.

    2. Fill the seeding pots with potting soil and water it. Plant the seeds in the pots 1/8 inch down into the soil and space them 1/2 inch to 1 inch away from each other. Store the pots in a room with average temperature ranging from 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Set a black plastic bag over the pots as pansy seeds require darkness to germinate. Monitor them and water daily to keep the soil moist. When the pansies sprout and seedlings emerge from the soil, remove the plastic bag.

    3. Fertilize your pansies with liquid fertilizer when the first green leaves appear on the seedlings. When the first three true leaves pansies appear, move the seedlings to individual pots with drain holes. Set them in a sunny area with temperature 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

    4. Prepare the flower bed by adding organic fertilizer such as manure to the soil. Turn the soil of the flower bed over a couple of times to thoroughly mix in the fertilizer. Plant the pansies after the last frost, in full sun where there is moist, well-drained soil, 4 to 5 inches apart.


    Pansies will flower even more profusely and longer if spent flower heads are removed. During the hottest months, cut the plants back and mulch to conserve moisture.

    Friday 13 January 2017

    Red Chili Germination ,Growing ,Care, Use and its Surprising Health Benefits.

    Chili is very essential in kitchen.Red chili is a restaurant for whole family.It is a small plant.It grows well in hot climates.It can be turned in many colors like yellow, red, purple etc.


    Season: Annual

    USDA Zones: 3 - 10

    Height: 1meter

    Bloom Season: Summer through fall

    Environment: Full sun

    Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8

    Temperature: 75 - 80F

    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days

    Depth: 1/4 inch

    Sowing Rate: 3 seeds per plant

    Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination

    Plant Spacing: 8 - 12 inches


    Step 1

    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 5 centimeter. Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage.

    Step 2

    As the seeds are perfect in size then you can put the seeds over it by 1/3 after that cover the seeds with seedling mix only about 1 cm (one centimeter)

    Step 3

    Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then mix all the three ingredients into one container.

    Step 4

    Sprinkle diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 liter water) after sowing the seeds.We have to careful about putting the seed because seeds will not to go deep inside the mixture.

    Step 5

    Thereafter spreed the Red chili seeds on the mixture. If your seeds are so tiny then you can spreed water very lightly and carefully on the seed.Make sure that the water must be mixed with diluted fungicide powder.It is very important notice to follow that the seeds will not to go very deep inside the mixture by speeding water on the seed, if it happen then the fertilization of the seeds are become difficult.

    Step 6

    Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a dimly lit area of the house. Lift the plastic daily to check that the soil is moist. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic. Expect germination within three to five days.

    Step 7

    Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area over a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight.

    Step 8

    Minimum warm, above 60ºF (15.5ºC),is needed inside the container and it should be placed in sunny area.After that the whole thing should be covered with a poly bag and after 21 days later the plastic can be removed.

    Step 9

    watering can as it is required. place the container in semi shaded place. Red chili needs a proper sunny area to germinate it.


    Chilli contains lot of vitamins like vitamin A,B,C etc. Chilli pepper works as a potent- inflammatory agent. Chilli pepper is packed with a range of nutritional properties which makes us healthy .From following points we can be benefited

    1. Improves Cognitive Functioning

    2. Contributes To Red Blood Cell Formation

    3. Reduce Blood Pressure and Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

    4. Acts as Natural Pain Relief

    5. Clears Nasal Congestion

    6. Soothe Intestinal Diseases And Disorders

    7. Boosts Immunity

    8. Maintain Healthy Eyes

    9. Inhibits Cancer

    10. Chilli Pepper Can Help Prevent Stomach Ulcers

    11. Promotes Weight Loss

    12. Improve Longevity

    Onion Seed germination


                                         Onion seeds & Health Benefits

    Onions are part of the allium family of vegetables and herbs, which also includes chives, garlic, scallions, and leeks. Allium vegetables have been cultivated for centuries for their characteristic, pungent flavors and for their medicinal properties.

    Onions can vary in size, shape, color, and flavor. The most common types are red, yellow, and white onions. Flavors can be sweet and juicy to sharp, spicy, and pungent, often depending on the season in which they are grown and consumed.

    It is estimated that 105 billion pounds of onions are harvested each year, worldwide. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), China is the biggest producer.

    The possible health benefits of consuming onions include lowering the risk of several types of cancer, improving mood, and maintaining the health of skin and hair.

    Germination of Onion Seeds:

    Producers need to know whether the germination rate will produce sufficient numbers of seedlings needed for field production of onion. The influence of temperature (5.0, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40°C) and continuous light or continuous dark was tested for effects on percentage germination of normal, abnormal, or diseased seed; production of normal seedlings; and percentage of ingeminated solid and soft seeds of onion.

    Tips for Growing Onions from Seed:

    1. Start with fresh seed and seed starting mix

    2. Provide bottom heat

    3. Clip off seed husks

    4. Keep under lights and trim back

    5. Transplant when the third leaf appears

    6. Trim off seeding leaves

    7. Provide maximum light
    8. Harden off, but protect from chilling
    9. Band composted fertilizer in the planting trench
    10. Sow leafy greens between rows to suppress weeds


    Onions have been praised for their flavour and health benefits for thousands of years.

    Plant foods also promote a healthful complexion, hair, increased energy, and overall lower weight.

    Allium vegetables have been studied extensively in relation to cancer, especially stomach and colorectal cancers. Their beneficial and preventive effects are likely due in part to their rich organosulfur compounds.

    Onions are also a source of the strong antioxidant vitamin C that helps to combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer.

    Colon cancer

    High fibre intake from all fruits and vegetables are associated with a lowered risk of collector cancer. One study showed that consuming greater than 7 servings of onions per week was associated with a decrease in collector cancer.

    Prostate cancer
    In a paper, published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers used a population-based, case-controlled study to investigate the relationship between alliums vegetable intake and prostate cancer. They found that men with the highest intake of alliums vegetables had the lowest risk of prostate cancer.

    Esophageal and stomach cancer

    Frequent intake of alluviums vegetables has been shown to reduce the risk of esophageal and stomach cancer. Several survey-based human studies have demonstrated the potential protective effects of consuming alliums, as well as reports of tumour inhibition of alluviums compounds in animal experiments.

    Sleep and mood

    Foliage, found in onions, might help reduce depression. Homo cysteine prevents blood and other nutrients from reaching the brain, and foliage prevents this chemical from building up.

    Skin and hair

    Onions are high in vitamin C, which is needed for the building and maintenance of collagen, which provides structure to skin and hair.


    Onions are a nutrient-dense food, meaning that while they are low in calories, they are high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

    One cup of chopped onion contains approximately 64 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrate, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol, 3 grams of fiber, 7 grams of sugar, 2 grams of protein, and 10 percent or more of the daily value for vitamin C, vitamin B-6, and manganese.

    Onions also contain small amounts of calcium, iron, foliage, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, and the antioxidants Quentin and sulphur.


    The risks of onion consumption are minimal. However, as with all food that may otherwise be healthful, over consumption comes with potential health risks. Allergy sufferers may have a problem consuming onions, too.

    It is the total diet or overall eating pattern that is most important in disease prevention and achieving good health. It is best to eat a diet with variety than to concentrate on individual foods as the key to good health.

    Thursday 12 January 2017

    Thanbergia flower seed germination

    Thunbergia is very easy to grow. It is a climbing plant basically hanging in baskets in an indoor window box, up around a window or on a trellis in a window.The Thunbergia flowers may be white, yellow or orange, and often have a black centre.


    Season: Annual
    USDA Zones: 3 - 10
    Height: 60 - 84 inches (vine)
    Bloom Season: Summer through fall
    Bloom Color: Yellow
    Environment: Full sun
    Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8
    Temperature: 75 - 80F
    Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days


    Most important: Avoid Rainy day or a cloudy weather for sowing the seeds.
    You will definitely get nothing unless you wait for the bright sunny day and clear weather.


    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimetres, and fill seedling mediator within 3/4  of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermicompost. Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water). Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And  Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.

    Soak the Thunbergia seeds overnight in tepid water. Following the soaking, sow Black-eyed Susan vine seeds outdoors after the last frost in prepared seedbed Or on the growing season, sow Thunbergia Alata seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before outdoor planting. Seeds will germinate in 7 to 21 days and flowering takes anywhere from 6 to 9 weeks depending on pot size.

    Sow seeds on the soil surface apart 1 to  2 inches. Press on the seeds lightly with your fingers so they are in full contact with the soil, but don't cover them with soil because they require light to germinate.Place the seedling tray at room temperature (70-75F) in a bright window.
    Moist again with diluted fungicide water ensure the soil surface it's evenly moist. Thunbergia flower seeds germinate better in darkness.

     The Thanbergia usually sprout within seven to 10 days.Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area with six to eight hours of daily sunlight for a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight. Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.

    Transplant the Thanbergia outdoors or in a new pot when they are about 8 weeks old and about 4 to 6 inches tall. Plant at them 8 to 14 inches apart on the ready ground with same depth were they growing at previously.

    Sow Outdoors: Surface. Following the last frost. Spacing 4 to 24 inches (10 to 60 cm).


    Thunbergia can be grown in hardiness zone 6-10, although in zone 6 they’re likely to die back to the ground in winter.


    Thunbergia like humid climates. Once established, they can tolerate quite a bit of drought.


    Thunbergia flower best in full sun (at least six hours per day).


    Thunbergias do well in most any kind of soil, as long as it’s well-drained. The ideal soil pH is neutral to slightly acidic.

    Rudraksha seed germination

    Rudraksha is a fruit plant. It is mostly known for its Ayurveda.


    Mature height :20cm, 70c, 100cm, 150cm, 200cm, etc
    light :full sun
    Soil type: Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Clay Soil
    Germination  time: It usually takes 1-2 years


    Most important: Avoid Rainy day or a cloudy weather for sowing the seeds.
    You will definitely get nothing unless you wait for the bright sunny day and clear weather.

    Rudra Bhandar started the promotion of holy Rudraksha tree for those who want to grow the tree in their home garden. Although it does not require any special climatic condition to grow, it depends on the nature of soil and care during first few months of sprouting the seeds of Rudraksha.Most seeds will of course only germinate between certain temperatures.Rudraksha farming is a difficult process due to the slow sprouting from the beads. Depending on the humidity of the soil, it usually takes 1-2 years for a tree to sprout. Rudraksha is grown in subtropical climatic regions with temperature ranges of 25-30 degree centigrade. The tree starts giving fruit after 7 years and fruits for a long time after the 7-year period.

    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimetres, and fill seedling media ( OR Take equal quantity of sand, soil and vermicompost. Then mix all the three ingredients into one container.)  within 3/4  of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermicompost.

    Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water). Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And  Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.

    Sow seeds on the soil surface apart 2 in. Press on the seeds lightly with your fingers so they are in full contact with the soil, but don't cover them with soil because they require light to germinate.

    We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.  and set the flat inside.
    Moist again with diluted fungicide water ensure the soil surface it's evenly moist. Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit location or in an artificial area of the house that receives indirect light to germinate.

    Lift the plastic after two days  to check that the soil is moist or not. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic.

    The Rudraksha plant usually sprouts within 1 to 2 years.Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area with six to eight hours of daily sunlight for a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight. Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.

    Transplant the Rudraksha plant outdoors or in a new pot when they are about 8 weeks old and about 4 to 6 inches tall. Plant at them 6 to 8 inches apart on the ready ground with same depth were they growing at previously.

    BENEFITS OF RUDRAKSHA: It is seen that most people who ware Rudraksha are peaceful.It helps to control concentration.Its beds are usually used for control blood pressure.

    Lobularia flower seed germination

    Lobularia is a hardy annual plant.It has sweet fragrant. It is bloomed especially in early spring and cool season is appropriate for its growth.


    mature height : under 6 in. (15 cm)
    bloom time: spring to summer
    zone : 3 to 9
    flower colour: white and pink
    soil type : Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Clay Soil
    light :full sun
    Spacing:3-6 in. (7-15 cm)

    Most important: Avoid Rainy day or a cloudy weather for sowing the seeds.
    You will definitely get nothing unless you wait for the bright sunny day and clear weather.

    Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimetres, and fill seedling mediator within 3/4  of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermicompost. Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1 litre water). Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And  Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.

     Sow the seeds on the soil surface, spacing the seeds 4 inches apart in staggered rows set 10 inches apart. Leave the seeds uncovered because alyssum requires light to germinate. Press on the seeds lightly with your fingers so they are in full contact with the soil, but don't cover them with soil because they require light to germinate.We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.  and set the flat inside.

    If it plants in outdoor then moist the bed with a fine spray of water daily so the soil surface remains moist. The seeds won't germinate if the soil surface dries completely.
    Moist again with diluted fungicide water ensure the soil surface it's evenly moist. Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit location or in an artificial area of the house that receives indirect light to germinate. Lift the plastic after two days  to check that the soil is moist or not. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic.

     The Lobularia usually sprout within seven to 10 days.Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area with six to eight hours of daily sunlight for  a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight. Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.

    Transplant the Lobularia from seedling tray outdoors or in a new pot when they are about 8 weeks old and about 4 to 6 inches tall. Plant at them 8 to 14 inches apart on the ready ground with same depth were they growing at previously.

    Lobularia is relatively low maintenance. Trim the tops removing half the growth. This will not only help to keep them compact but will also encourage further flowering. The second set of seedlings may be planted at the end of the summer for flowers to continue blooming throughout the year.

    Lobularia is generally pest resistant. Aphids can attack, especially when the plants are under stress. However, regular use of Neem Oil prevents pests from attacking the plant.