Tuesday 28 November 2017

How to make Lawn Grass or Carpet Grass

Seeding your lawn is an economical and satisfying way to introduce healthy turf to your yard. In order to enjoy successful lawn establishment and a yard full of lush, inviting green grass, follow these eight steps:
1. Choose the right time of year: Early fall is the ideal time to plant grass seed because the ground is still warm to hasten germination. And the days are cool and sometimes rainy ensuring the seeds are moist. In early fall there is sufficient sunlight to allow new grass to thrive. this helps the grass to establish before winter.

2. Prepare the site: Grading of the site before planting is important as it will help in water retention and allow easy mowing. Choose steep slopes and make sure the area is level to avoid diseases.

3. Prepare the soil: It's important that your soil is loamy.

4. Plant the Seed: Rake the soil surface smooth and then sow the seed evenly.  Again use a rake to lightly work it into the soil at a depth of about 1/4 inch. Don't bury the seeds any deeper, as they require adequate light to germinate quickly.

5. Water: Water once a day with a light spray to keep the seeds moist. Sometimes skip watering for 1-2 days and water the next day. Once the seeds germinate and the seedlings begin to grow, water them regularly to keep them moist.

6. Inspect establishment: It will take two months for the grass to establish. At this time, start heavy watering regularly.

7. Mow and Maintain: Once the grass reaches three inches high, mow off one inch.

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