Tuesday 13 November 2018

Health Benefits of Makhana


Makhana, puffed lotus seeds or fox nuts are used across global cuisines. Makhana or fox nuts are also widely used as a medicine in the Oriental and Chinese traditions for its nutritional and healing properties. The seeds are packed with antioxidants, phytonutrients (disease-preventing substance), protein and fibre, whether it is consumed raw, roasted, ground or boiled down to a paste.

Uses and Benefits:

1. Makhana is a hydrant which, regulates blood pressure levels, helps in keeping moisture locked in the body and free from toxins.

2. It is low in saturated fats and sodium along with a high content of magnesium and potassium.

3. The glycemic index of Makhanas are considerably lower than other carbohydrate staple foods, making it an appropriate snack for diabetics.

4. They are rich in fibre, ensuring proper assimilation, absorption and digestion while also avoiding constipation.

5. Makhanas fulfil the day-to-day calcium needs and are extremely helpful for individuals diagnosed with osteoporosis, arthritis, numbness in the limbs or joint problems.

6. It’s also an anti-aging food that prevents white hair, wrinkles and stops premature ageing, pertaining to its high anti-oxidant content.

7. Makhana has a therapeutic effect on the spleen and ensures smooth function.

8. Its astringent property helps cure diarrhoea, check the metabolism and regulate sleep.

9. Makhanas are packed with flavonoids which, helps prevent inflammation, in lowering the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and heart-related issues.