Saturday 15 September 2018

Kash phool/ Kans grass: Plant Description and Its uses

                                      Kash Phool

It is also known as wild sugar cane, or Kans grass.Kans grass is a grass native to South Asia. It is a perennial grass, growing up to three meters in height, with spreading rhizomatous roots. Leaves are harsh and linear, 6 to 15 mm wide, which are white and erect, measuring 15-30 cm long, with slender and whorled branches, the joints covered with soft white hair. The grownd of kash look like white cloud.

In bengal, the appearance of Kans grass, Kash Phool feels heavenly, not only because it so lovely, the white against the green, but it is also a happy reminder that the festive season is about to begin.

Kash phool brings with it a change in weather, it starts to get a bit pleasant after the monsoonal downpour. Earlier, with so many open fields, one could get a glimpse of Kash any where.

Botanical name: Saccharum spontaneum

Family: Poaceae

Life cycle: Perennial

Plant height : 2-8 ft

Leaf Colour: Green

Flower Colour: White

Temperature: 20-30°C

Light: Full sun/ half sun

Soil: Loamy soil

Climate : Tropical, subtropical

Advantage: Easy to grow


  • It is used to promote milk in breastfeeding mothers and as a diuretic. The top parts of the plant is used for blood disorders, hemorrhages and biliousness among other things. 
  • It is used in ayurveda. 

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