Monday 10 September 2018

The Red Lion Amaryllis: description and planting

                       The Red Lion Amaryllis

The Red Lion Amaryllis is the flower that make a dramatic statement of everyone's love. It blooms in winter and light up the home. The foliage  is Long, slender, strap-shaped and green coloured  and 20-24" in height. Red Lion is easy to grow, producing large, cheery, red flowers that never fail to please.

Common Name : Amaryllis Red Lion
Botanical Name : Hippeastrum Red Lion
Flower Color :  cherry, Red
Mature Height : 20-24" tall
Temperature : -10°C to 5°C
Planting Time : Fall, Winter
Bloom Time : Winter: 6-12 weeks after planting
Light : Full sun
Advantages : Easy to Grow, Containers, Forcing

 These bulbs are tropical (native to South America), they can be grown beautifully outdoors in very warm and frost-free zones. This means Planting time in winter areas is usually September or October, and if the bed is well-cared for, the bulbs will stay in the ground and flower for years.

Water as usual and apply water-soluble fertilizer every four weeks. Once spring arrives and frost is past, sink the Amaryllis pot in the garden in a sunny place. Continue to fertilize. At the end of the summer when frost threatens, simply pull the pot out of the ground, wash it out, and take it inside, and allow it to dry out completely in a warm dry place like a utility room.  Once the leaves are dead and the bulb dry (usually 5 to 6 weeks), the bulb is ready for re-potting. Simply cut off the dry leaves, and repot your bulb in fresh potting soil and start the growing cycle again.

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