Monday 9 July 2018

Ginseng - Herb , Use and its Health Benefits



Ginseng is actually a broad term that incorporates nearly a dozen different species of plants belonging to the Panax genus.The light-colored, fleshy root is the most medicinally valuable element of the plant and can be purchased in dried, whole, or sliced form. The green, oval leaves of ginseng are used on a far more limited basis, but they do have some uses.

Health Benefits:

1. Ginseng help to lower oxidative stress, fight fatigue, enhance physical activity, and boost energy, especially in cancer patients.

2. Ginseng stimulates cognitive abilities and neural activity that can be difficult to achieve in older ages.

3. Ginseng is often used to reduce inflammation.

4. Ginseng may help lower blood sugar and help treat diabetes. Ginsenosides may affect insulin production in the pancreas and improve insulin resistance using other mechanisms.

5. ginseng affects the body’s nervous system in various ways, including boosting mood and energy levels. Besides, the adaptogens found within ginseng have been shown to alter the hormonal levels of the body, which can treat chronic stress.

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