Chrysanthemum comes from the Greek language it is sometimes affectionately shortened to "mum".Mum plants are easiest of all all the perennials in garden.It is cold whether plant.It is bloomed especially in early spring and it can be placed almost any time.
Season: Perennial
USDA Zones: 3 - 10
Height: 50 - 70 inches (vining)
Bloom Season: Summer through fall
Environment: Full sun
Soil Type: Loamy, well-drained, pH 6.1 - 7.8
Temperature: 75 - 80F
Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
Depth: 1/4 inch
Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
Plant Spacing: 8 - 12 inches
Sowing: February - June
Water: Medium
Chrysanthemum Indicum will grow in almost every type of soil but prefer chalky, well-drained soil and in full sun or semi shade. Chrysanthemum Indicum is a fully hardy flowering mid to late summer. Plants may need supporting in exposed areas. Soak plants before planting them out. This allows them to take up the maximum amount of water without doing any injury to the plant. Deadhead faded flowers to promote a constant supply of fresh blooms. Lift and divide overcrowded clumps in spring or after flowering late summer. Cut old stems to ground level in autumn.
Step 1
Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimetres, and fill seedling mediator within 3/4 of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermicompost. Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water). Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.
Step 2
Sow seeds on the soil surface apart 2 in. Press on the seeds lightly with your fingers so they are in full contact with the soil, but don't cover them with soil because they require light to germinate.We have to care about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture. and set the flat inside.
Step 3
Moist again with diluted fungicide water ensure the soil surface it's evenly moist. Cover tightly plastic polythene wrap over the pot to promote soil moisture retention and place it in a 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit location or in an artificial area of the house that receives indirect light to germinate. Lift the plastic after two days to check that the soil is moist or not. If not, lightly moisten it with a water-filled spray bottle before replacing the plastic.Step 3

Step 4
The Chrysanthemum seeds usually sprout within seven to 14 days. Remove the plastic as soon as the seedlings emerge, and gradually move the pot to a brighter area with six to eight hours of daily sunlight for a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight. Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.
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