Thursday 19 July 2018

Orchid's caring - daily feeding and watering

In order to grow orchids successfully, you need to create an environment that imitates their native habits, which mean taking humidity, temperature and light into consideration, as well as their feeding and resting needs.


There was a time when the feeding of orchids was frowned upon. But now as the nutritional needs of orchids have better understood and modern inorganic compost materials have increased, feeding orchids has become scientifically based. Orchids can be fed at all ages, from young seedlings and propagation to adult plants. Feed only healthy plants, as they have the ability to absorb and convert the chemicals. Do not feed plants that are sick or have lost their roots.

How to feed:

As a general guide apply feed added to the water at every second or third watering. By using plain water in between the feeds, any leftover chemicals in the compost will be washed through, avoiding the build-up of any residue. Feed very sparingly during the winter and more liberally in summer, when there is better light and higher temperatures to balance the extra nutrients being supplied.
 Fertilizers: Fertilizers consisted of horn and bone-meal powder mixed with the compost(at early stage) and another products like cow-tea and ammonia were also used at later stage.


Watering is the greatest cause of uncertainty among orchid growers, and whether a plant is ready for water or not is always under debate. As a general rule, water a typical orchid once or twice a week in the growing season and once every two or three weeks while it is resting. commence watering when new growth shows in the spring.
Keep plants evenly moist while they are growing. Always remember, limp foliage may indicate under-watering or even over-watering.

Methods of watering: 

1. Water orchids indoor regularly from the rim of the pot, using a spouted watering can. Thoroughly soak the compost right through.
2. Orchid such as Asconopsis, has been allowed to become dry for a considerable time, dip it in a bucket of water and allow it to soak for 10 minutes to wet the compost thoroughly.
3. Orchid that grow on bark in a greenhouse should be dipped in a bucket of water at least once a week and sprayed daily.

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