Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Rose-"Helmut Schmidt" and its characteristic features

Helmut Schmidt - Hybrid tea rose

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Breeder: Kordes. 1979.
Blossom: From May to October.
Flower diameter: 5+ cm.
Fragrance: Medium.
Adult size: Height up to 80 cm.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Rich and free draining, avoid calcareous soil.
Climate: Very hardy.
Site: Partial shade to full sun.
Planting spacing: 50 cm between each plant.

Characteristics and uses:
The Rosa 'Helmut Schmidt' is a superb flowering bed specimen with its striking yellow. Free flowering with mild fragrance. Its flowers are long lasting with well shape. It can be easily grown mixed in with other Roses with creamy or white shades.

Availability or time of plantation :

When growing in the garden, roses should be planted between November and February. Roses are available all year round and are sold either as seeds or as cuttings. If you are growing in a pot, they can be planted at any time.

 Care Tips:

Roses need to be fed regularly and the amount of feeding will depend on the kind of soil they are planted in. Pruning is also important and should be done after between mid-February and mid-March during a sustained frost-free period.   

Rose-"Mascara" and its characteristic features

Mascara - Grandiflora/Hybrid perpetual rose

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Breeder: Meilland. 1992.
Blossom: From May to October.
Flower diameter: 7 cm.
Fragrance: Medium.
Adult size: Height up to 80 cm.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Rich and free draining, avoid calcareous soil.
Climate: Very hardy.
Site: Partial shade to full sun.
Planting spacing: 50 cm between each plant.

Characteristics and uses:
The Rosa 'Mascara' has delicate pink colour. Its flowers are large in size and formed with well shape. The flowers are long lasting on long stem. It can be easily grown mixed in with other Roses with creamy or white shades.

Availability or time of plantation :

When growing in the garden, roses should be planted between November and February. Roses are available all year round and are sold either as seeds or as cuttings. If you are growing in a pot, they can be planted at any time.

 Care Tips:

Roses need to be fed regularly and the amount of feeding will depend on the kind of soil they are planted in. Pruning is also important and should be done after between mid-February and mid-March during a sustained frost-free period.   

Pesimmon plant: Germination, Growing and health benefits

Persimmon is the name given to a number of different species of highly similar fruits from the same scientific family, different types of persimmons have been classified into the Japanese persimmon, the American persimmon, the black persimmon, the Date-plum tree and the Indian persimmon. Persimmon, also known as the ‘Divine Fruit’ due to its scientific name of Greek origin, is found during autumn.

Persimmons in two different variety,
Hachiya: the Hachiya, is acorn-shaped and needs to be almost melting in texture before it eat .This type of persimmon makes up approximately 90 percent of the available fruit. It is identifiable by its acorn-like shape. This persimmon is tart until it becomes fully ripe.
Fuyu: This persimmon is similar in color to the Hachiya, but looks like a squashed tomato, is smaller and sweeter, and is edible while still firm. In fact, the Fuyu was developed by breeding out the tannic acid from the Hachiya, making it tastier and easier to eat whole and raw.

Persimmons are great trees for the home gardener more beautiful. It is very easy to plant. At first need to dig a hole wider than it is deep. Then, choose a plant with nicely developed roots. The crown should sit a tad above the soil line to accommodate settling.Then filling the soil to create a pyramid in the center of the hole. Set the tree on top, and add enough dirt to fill the hole.
It doesn't amend the soil because the roots need to adapt to the nutrients that will be available for the next 100-plus years. Instead, using other protective measures like mulch. Mulch helps to cut down on evaporation and also keeps the roots cooler in the summertime. High-density planting or several trees planting in one hole in smaller yards to provide lots of fruit, great pollination and easy harvesting all in one compact area.


Starting persimmons from seed is relatively easy, but the final tree may or may not be exactly the way that one want it to be. It can be developed,locally adapted persimmon varieties by setting aside a patch of land to test out dozens of different seeds. The persimmons in the test strip can be planted much closer together since it just need them to grow to about five feet tall, at which point they will begin to fruit. The favorite varieties from this test bed is need to select and graft scion wood onto seedlings started at the same time in their permanent location.


Persimmons are also very easy to maintain.Structural cuts is also very important. Structural cuts create strong branches to support lots of fruit. It is very important to control size and doesn't let the trees grow any taller than the height the hands can reach over the head. Anything above that is too hard to harvest without a ladder.Another very interesting process is "kiss" method: keep it short and simple. Moderate pruning can also help reduce the tree's tendency to be alternate bearing or fruiting every other year.


While most fruit needs warm weather to ripen, persimmons are ready during the fall. Persimmons are a fall crop primarily ripening in September all the way to the beginning of the next year. There are two varieties of persimmons. The astringent fruit is eaten when it has become jelly-soft.
The nonastringent fruit, which is gaining in popularity, is eaten while still firm.The American palette likes firm fruit, and so the Fuyu persimmon is a very common choice. Persimmons are a great source of vitamins A and C as well as of potassium and fiber.

Storing Persimmons

When very ripe, persimmons must be stored in the refrigerator. To store persimmons that are almost ripe or just ripe, keep them at room temperature.

Health Benefits

Persimmons are delicious and exotic fruits as well as sweet and tasty treat. They have a wealth of health benefits packed inside them, it has ability to improve eye health, reduce signs of ageing, prevent various types of cancer, improve digestion, boost immune system, lower cholesterol, increasing metabolism, strengthen bones, boost cognitive function, lower blood pressure, and taking care of skin. Furthermore, they can help body heal faster, aid in weight loss, reduce inflammation, and increase blood circulation throughout the body.

Persimmons are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin B6, as well as dietary fiber, manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorous. They also contain organic compounds that include catechins, gallocatechin, betulinic acid, and various carotenoid compounds that fall within the B complex of vitamins.

1.Prevent Cancer

This delicious little fruit is packed with antioxidants, the anti-cancer agents that can boost body’s ability to fight free radicals, improve overall health and protect against many diseases. Free radicals are the by-products of cellular metabolism that can mutate healthy cells into cancerous ones and damage various organ systems. Persimmons have high levels of vitamin C and A, as well as phenolic compounds like catechisms and gallocatechins, which are directly connected to preventing different types of cancer.

2.Boost Immunity

Persimmons help boost immunity due to the presence of vitamin C. They have one of the highest ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content among other fruits and a single persimmon has approximately 80% of the daily requirement of this beneficial nutrient. Vitamin C stimulates the immune system and increases the production of white blood cells, which are the primary line of defense for the body against microbial, viral, and fungal infections, as well as foreign bodies or toxins.

3.Aid in Digestion

persimmons are a good source of fiber, containing almost 20% of the daily requirement in a single serving. Fiber helps the body process food in a more efficient way by adding bulk to the stool, stimulating peristaltic motion to move the food through the digestive tract, increasing secretions of gastric and digestive juices, and relieving symptoms of constipation. Overall a high-fiber fruit like persimmons can be a major boost to gastrointestinal system and can protect from colorectal cancer and other similar diseases. It can also help people lose weight by defending them against lipid uptake, which can cause obesity.

4.Prevent Tumor Development

Along with the antioxidant properties that reduce the chances of cancer, also can lower yrisks of developing tumors. Persimmons contain betulinic acid, which is a proven anti-tumor compound. This can reduce the chances of contracting tumors by inducing apoptosis, also known as programmed cell death, and if already have a tumor, it can reduce the size and stop cancer from metastasizing.

5.Prevent Premature Ageing

Persimmons are rich in a number of vitamins, specifically vitamin A, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, and cryptoxanthin. These vitamins function as antioxidants in the body to reduce oxidative stress and prevent signs of premature aging, like wrinkles, age spots, Alzheimer’s disease, fatigue, loss of vision, muscles weakness, and a number of other conditions.

6.Improve Eye Health

The compounds in persimmons also have a proven benefit for the health of eyes. Zeaxanthin, a member of the B complex of vitamins, present in persimmons, is directly linked to improved eye health due to its behavior as an antioxidant substance. Studies show that this compound reduces macular degeneration, cataracts, and night blindness.
Control Blood Pressure

7.Decrease blood pressure

Potassium is another mineral found in significant quantities in persimmons. Potassium can act as a vasodilator and lower blood pressure, thereby increasing blood flow to various parts of the body. Low blood pressure also reduces strain on the cardiovascular system and prevents various heart diseases from occurring. Persimmons also contain various vasodilatingorganic compounds that further lower blood pressure, making them a very good fruit for heart health.

8.Regulate Blood Circulation

Along with lowering blood pressure, persimmons provide copper, an essential element in creating new red blood cells. Without copper, you cannot uptake various essential nutrients to make additional hemoglobin. Increased circulation of healthy red blood cells increases cognitive function, muscle tone, metabolism, and energy levels, as well as wound repair and cellular growth.

9.Improve Metabolic Activity

Persimmons contain elements of the B complex of vitamins like pyridoxine, folic acid, and thiamin, which are all essential parts of various enzymatic processes and metabolic functions throughout the body. And these elements ensure that body’s systems function efficiently and effectively, thereby increasing your overall metabolism. Further, persimmons can boost energy levels, increase muscle tone.

10. Weight Loss

A medium sized fruit weighs around 168 grams and offers just 31 grams of carbohydrates. The fruit has hardly any fat in it. These two factors make it an ideal friend for those who wish to snack on while trying to shed those extra pounds.

11. Control Diabetics

Those who suffer from diabetes are prone to hunger cravings, and that too quite often. Being rich in fibers, this fruit can be relished by diabetics to curb the hunger levels. The fruit is also known to regulate the level of sugar in the blood.

12.Maintain Healthy Liver

Persimmon is rich in antioxidants, which scavenge the harmful oxygen-derived free radicals in our body. It also reduces the effect of toxic materials and prevents cell damage. This eventually results in a detoxified body and a healthy liver

13. Offers Plenty of Energy

Persimmon juice is considered a natural energiser due to its high potassium and sugar content. Consumption of a glass of persimmon juice can give us instant energy for performing any power-packed activity. It is a good choice for relieving exhaustion and stress.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Babaco : Growing ,Care and Health Benefits

                             Babaco -Tropical
Babacois a fruit which looks like Papaya and has a unique flavour. This fruit does not have seeds and has a soft outer covering. The shape of this fruit is cylindrical. Babaco tastes delicious when it is eaten raw or in the form of a shakes, smoothies, sauces or salsa. This fruit is originated from the regions of South America and is a very popular fruit of this country. Babaco has a yellowish colour with juicy flesh thatgives significant health benefits. In this article we will talk about fifteen health benefits of this amazing fruit.Babaco is a torpedo shaped fruit with a frothy flesh hence it is also called the champagne fruit whose scientific name is Carica pentagona Heilborn and Caricaceae.

Related Species: Papayuelo, Orange Papaya, Papaya.
Distant Affinity: Papaya Orejona , Mamao

 Flowers: Flowers form on the newly developing trunk during the growth phase of the tree. Usually the thicker the trunk, the more prolific the flowering will be. The flowers, usually solitary on the end of a long pendulous stalk, arise from every leaf axil. The flowers are all female.

Foliage: The moderately large, palmate leaves have prominent ribs and veins and are on long hollow petioles that radiate from the trunk. The average life of a leaf is 4 to 6 months. During the cold winter months the leaves degenerate and are gradually shed.

Location: Babacos like a warm location protected from winds. They will grow and fruit in shady locations but prefer a sunny spot. The smallish plants fit nicely in many parts of the yard, and with their broad green leaves and vertically held fruit add an exotic touch to the landscape.

Soils: Babacos prefer a light, fertile, well-drained soil. Although not as fussy about cold, wet soils as the papaya, the plants perform best in moderately dry winter conditions. Like papayas, the babaco does not tolerate salty water or soil.

Irrigation: Adequate rainfall or irrigation is essential during the growing phase of the babaco. A plant that has been injured by frost is susceptible to root rot.

During the growing season the babaco needs regular applications of nitrogen fertilizers. Feed monthly and adjust to the plant's response. Composted chicken manure makes a good mulch.

Climate: The babaco thrives in a cool subtropical climate, free of frost. In California it grows in coastal areas of the southern part of the state and with some protection as far north as the San Francisco Bay area. With some shade it will grow in the warmer interior regions, but high temperatues and low humidity may result in sunburned fruit and immature fruit drop. The babaco is much more tolerant of cool, damp winters than the papaya. It will withstand temperatures to about 28° F, although it may lose most of its leaves. The babaco is ideally suited to container culture and also excellent for greenhouses.

Growth Habits
: The babaco is a small, herbaceous shrub, that grows to about 6 feet in height, with an erect softwood trunk lined with leaf scars typical of other caricas. The plant rarely branches but shoots often appear around the base. The thickness of the trunk is associated with the vigor of the plant.

Propagation: Since babacos are seedless, they must be propagated asexually. Wood for propagation is taken from the parent plant by cutting the entire trunk diagonally about 1 foot from the ground and making 1 foot cutting lengths from it. This should be done after fruiting but before the next flush of growth. The cuttings are then dipped in a fungicide bath and the rooting end dipped in a rooting hormone. The cuttings are then set vertically in a low-moisture medium such as sand or sandy loam to form callouses. With the first sign of roots and the beginnings of new leaves, they can be planted out, about 8 inches below ground level. Within 15 months these new plants are producing fruit.

Pests and diseases: It is important to start with virus-free material. During moist spells fungal diseases can affect the leaves, but this is seldom a problem in California. Other diseases include powdery mildew and Phytophthora root rot. The major pests affecting the babaco are the two spotted mite, Tetranychus uraticae and the strawberry mite, Tetranychus atlanticus. Control can be difficult since most miticides are phytotoxic to babaco leaves. Predatory mites do give reasonable control. Slugs and the California brown snail can damage the fruit and must be controlled. The plants are attractive to deer who will consume most of the foliage and young fruits.

Health Benefits of Babaco

Healthy Gums
Babaco is  a rich source of very important nutrients like iron, protein, thiamine, calcium,sodium, magnesium and fat. Vitamin C in it helps in keeping gums healthy and strong.  Any type of gum related problems like loosening of gum, infection, damaged gums, etc. are easily treated by consuming this fruit.

Keep Teeth Healthy
Babaco is very effective and useful in preserving the health of  teeth. It is a good source of calcium which keeps teeth healthy, diseased free and strong.

Treat Skin Related Infections
Babaco fruit exhibits remarkable properties in treating variety of skin infections like eczema, skin burn, redness,inflammations etc.

Helps In Digestion
Babacois vital for your digestive system. It has large amounts of a very beneficial digestive enzyme called as papain. This enzyme helps in disintegrating proteins compounds and makes the process much simpler. This enzyme is extracted from the fruit and available in the form of chewable tablet. These tablets work as an effective digestive supplement.

Control Heart Rate

Babaco shows wonderful properties in regulating the heart rate in a person. It has good amounts of Potassium which helps in nullifying the harmful effects of sodium in the body fluids and thereby controls heart rate efficiently.

Healthy Skin
Being a rich source of skin nourishing vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, it helps in providing healthy and glowing skin. It also prevents premature ageing signs in  skin and gives  a youthful appearance naturally.

Better Vision

As vitamin A is found in large quantities in this fruit, it makes it good for improving eye sight in a person. The yellow colour of this fruit is due to beta carotene. This ingredient is important to maintain a good health of eyes. Intake of this fruit helps in getting rid of various eye sight related problems like myopia, night blindness, cataract, glaucoma etc.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is very crucial aspect in various health problems like heart diseases, diabetes, thyroid, cholesterol, anxiety etc. Babaco helps in balancing the levels of blood pressure in a person and keeps them within admissible limits.

Low In Calories And Fat
Babaco is a fruit which is low in fat and carbohydrates. This helps in generation of fewer calories in the body. Based on the research it has been found that 100 grams of this fruit provides you only 21 calories.

Use of Babaco:
We can use babaco in many aspect of life.

Give business area
Indirectly, the fruit that only grew at highland give business area for people in that area. Babaco can be useful as foodstuff. It can become many foods such as jam, candy, syrup, chip and dodol.  People make home industry to process babaco and sell it.

As skin medicine
Babaco has advantage to treat skin disease. Babaco in America is used for skin disease medicines.  

As cosmetic and skin care
It is not only for skin medicine, babaco can build collagen in our body. So, this fruit can become material of cosmetic and skin care. Collagen from babaco can make our skin smoother and avoid from premature aging like wrinkle on face and body. If  babaco consume regularly, it will give you big effect for your skin. 

Give freshness
Babaco that has been processed or not will give freshness for our body because its taste is so tasty. Babaco that has not been processed is not tastier than babaco that has been processed because its taste is sour. Most of people love babaco that has been processed.

Olive: Growing ,Care and Health Benefits

                                      OLIVE (WILD OLIVE)

The olive is a fruit similar to the peach or plum, bengali name Jalpai. Within the stone are one or two seeds. Olives tend to have maximum oil content (about 20–30 percent of fresh weight) and greatest weight six to eight months after the blossoms appear. At that stage they are black and will continue to cling to the tree for several weeks. Fruits for oil extraction are allowed to mature, but, for processing as food, immature fruits are picked or shaken off the tree. Hundreds of named varieties of both types of olives, table and oil, are grown in warm climates. In California, olives such as the Mission variety are grown almost exclusively for table use. In Europe, olives such as the Picual, Nevadillo, and Morcal are grown mostly for oil.
Related Species: Wild Olive (Olea africana), Oleaster (O. europaea var. oleaster).
Distant Affinity: American Olive (Osmanthus americana), Fragrant Olive (O. fragrans).

History behind Olive
The olive is native to the Mediterranean region, tropical and central Asia and various parts of Africa. The olive has a history almost as long as that of Western civilisation, its development being one of civilised man's first accomplishments. At a site in Spain, carbon-dating has shown olive seed found there to be eight thousand years old. O. European may have been cultivated independently in two places, Crete and Syria. Archaeological evidence suggest that olives were being grown in Crete as long ago as 2,500 B.C. From Crete and Syria olives spread to Greece, Rome and other parts of the Mediterranean area. Olives are also grown commercially in California, Australia and South Africa. There is some disagreement over when the trees first appeared in California. Some say they were introduced in 1769 when seeds brought from Mexico were planted. Others site the date 1785 when trees were brought in to make olive oil.

Flowers: The small, fragrant, cream-colored olive flowers are largely hidden by the evergreen leaves and grow on a long stem arising from the leaf axils. The olive produces two kinds of flowers: a perfect flower containing both male and female parts, and a staminate flower with stamens only. The flowers are largely wind pollinated with most olive varieties being self-pollinating, although fruit set is usually improved by cross pollination with other varieties. There are self-incompatible varieties that do not set fruit without other varieties nearby, and there are varieties that are incompatible with certain others. Incompatibility can also occur for environmental reasons such as high temperatures.

Fruit: The olive fruit is a green drupe, becoming generally blackish-purple when fully ripe. A few varieties are green when ripe and some turn a shade of copper brown. The cultivars vary considerably in size, shape, oil-content and flavor. The shapes range from almost round to oval or elongated with pointed ends. Raw olives contain an alkaloid that makes them bitter and unpalatable. A few varieties are sweet enough to be eaten after sun drying. Thinning the crop will give larger fruit size. This should be done as soon as possible after fruit set. Thin until remaining fruit average about 2 or 3 per foot of twig. The trees reach bearing age in about 4 years.

Growth Habits: The olive is an evergreen tree growing to 50 ft. in height with a spread of about 30 ft. The tree can be kept to about 20 ft. with regular pruning. The graceful, billowing appearance of the olive tree can be rather attractive. In an all-green garden its grayish foliage serves as an interesting accent. The attractive, gnarled branching pattern is also quite distinctive. Olives are long-lived with a life expectancy of 500 years. The trees are also tenacious, easily sprouting back even when chopped to the ground.

The olive's feather-shaped leaves grow opposite one another. Their skin is rich in tannin, giving the mature leaf its gray-green appearance. The leaves are replaced every two or three years, leaf-fall usually occurring at the same time new growth appears in the spring.


Location: Plant olive trees in full sun and away from sidewalks to avoid stains from fallen ripe fruit. Non-fruiting trees are available which can be planted in areas where fruit may be a problem. Strong winds will "sculpt" the trees, but otherwise they are quite wind-tolerant.

Soils: Olives will grow well on almost any well-drained soil up to pH 8.5 and are tolerant of mild saline conditions.

Irrigation: Irrigation is a necessity in California with its dry summers. A monthly deep watering of home grown trees is normally adequate. Because of its small leaves, with their protective cuticle and slow transpiration, the olive tree survives even extended dry periods.

Fertilisation: Fertilising olive trees with additional supplies of nitrogen has proved beneficial. In California farmers systematically apply fertilisers well ahead of the time flowers develop so the trees can absorb the nitrogen before fruit set. Many growers in Mediterranean countries apply organic fertilisers every other year.

Propagation: None of the cultivated varieties can be propagated by seed. Seed propagated trees revert to the original small-fruited wild variety. The seedlings can, of course, be grafted or chip budded with material from desired cultivars. The variety of an olive tree can also be changed by bark grafting or top working. Another method of propagation is transplanting suckers that grow at the base of mature trees. However, these would have to be grafted if the suckers grew from the seedling root stock.

Cutting:A commonly practiced method is propagation from cuttings. Twelve to fourteen inch long, one inch wide cuttings from the two year old wood of a mature tree are treated with a rooting hormone, planted in a light rooting medium and kept moist. Trees grown from such cuttings can be further grafted with wood from another cultivar. Cutting grown trees bear fruit in about four years.

Climate:The olive requires a long, hot growing season to properly ripen the fruit, no late spring frosts to kill the blossoms and sufficient winter chill to insure fruit set. Home grown olives generally fruit satisfactorily in the warmer coastal valleys of California. Virtually all U.S. commercial olive production is concentrated in California's Central Valley, with a small pocket of olive acreage outside Phoenix. The tree may be grown as an ornamental where winter temperatures do not drop below 12° F. Green fruit is damaged at about 28°, but ripe fruit will withstand somewhat lower temperatures. Hot, dry winds may be harmful during the period when the flowers are open and the young fruits are setting. The trees survive and fruit well even with considerable neglect. Olives can also be grown in a large container, and has even appeared in shows as a bonsai.

 Pests and diseases: The olive tree is affected by some pests and diseases, although it has fewer problems than most fruit trees. Around the Mediterranean the major pests are med fly and the olive fruit fly. In California, diverticulitis wilt is a serious fungal disease. There is no effective treatment other than avoiding planting on infested soils and removing damaged trees and branches. A bacterial disease known as olive knot is spread by pruning with infected tools during rainy months. Because the olive has fewer natural enemies than other crops, and because the oil in olives retains the odour of chemical treatments, the olive is one of the least sprayed crops.

Health Benefits:

Olive oil and the cardiovascular system
Olive oil is the main source of dietary fat in the Mediterranean diet. There appears to be a lower death rate from cardiovascular diseases in the Mediterranean area, compared with other parts of the world.
Olive oil intake also appears to help reduce inflammation, endothelial dysfunction (problems with the inner linings of blood vessels), thrombosis, and carbohydrate metabolism.

Frying with olive oil and heart disease risk
People who regularly eat foods fried in olive oil or sunflower oil do not have a higher risk of heart disease or premature death, researchers from Madrid, in Spain, reported in the BMJ.
The scientists surveyed 40,757 adults aged from 26 to 69 years over an 11-year period. They focused on cooking methods and dietary habits. None of the participants had heart disease when the study started.

Olive oil may help prevent stroke
Scientists in France concluded that olive oil may prevent stroke in older people.
The team found that older people who regularly used olive oil for cooking and salad dressing or with bread had a 41-percent lower risk of stroke, compared with those who never consumed it.

The researchers suggested that olive oil might be a cheap and easy way to prevent stroke, a common problem in older people.

Depression risk and olive oil
People whose diets are high in trans fats may have a higher risk of depression, compared with those whose diets are rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fats. Trans fats are widely used in fast foods and mass-produced items, such as pastries.

Olive oil may reduce breast cancer risk
Scientists from Barcelona in Spain found a key mechanism by which virgin olive oil protects the body against breast cancer, in contrast to other vegetable oils.

After decoding signals in the cells of breast tumours that are activated by virgin olive oil, they concluded that the oil reduces the activity of p21Ras, an oncogene. This oncogene prevents DNA damage, encourages tumour cell death, and triggers changes in protein signalling pathways.

Olive oil helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
A Japanese study published in the Medical Science Monitor showed that LDL-cholesterol concentrations fell in 28 outpatients who took olive oil supplements once a day for 6 weeks.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is often referred to as "bad cholesterol". The "good cholesterol" is high-density lipoprotein (HDL).
The authors concluded, "These results point to an overwhelmingly beneficial influence of olive oil on the lipoprotein spectrum."

Dates fruit: Germination Growing ,Care and Health Benefits cooking dates


                       DATES FRUIT
Date or date palms,is a flowering plant species in the palm family,cultivated as a edible sweet fruit. Although its place of origin is unknown because of long cultivation, it probably originated from the Fertile Crescent region straddling between Egypt and Mesopotamia.The species is widely cultivated across Northern Africa, Middle East and South Asia, and is naturalised in many tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. This is the type species of genus Phoenix, which contains 12–19 species of wild date palms, and is the major source of commercial production.
Scientific name Phoenix dactylifera

History Behind Dates Fruit

Date palm trees have a history extending back 6,000 years when they were used for roof thatching and a food source in ancient Egypt and Sumeria. Preferring a desert climate in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, a mature and healthy tree needs the same climate as their seeds require for germination. Although date palms have offshoots you can propagate, growing the plant from seed is another option.

Date Trees

Date trees typically reach about 21–23 metres (69–75 ft) in height, growing singly or forming a clump with several stems from a single root system. Date fruits (dates) are oval-cylindrical, 3–7 cm (1.2–2.8 in) long, and about an inch (2.5 cm) in diameter, ranging from bright red to bright yellow in colour, depending on variety. They are very sweet, containing about 75 percent of sugar when dried.


Viable date palm trees seeds germinate between 14 and 21 days in ideal conditions. Most palm seeds have a poor record of germination success.University of Florida IFAS Extension reports that only 80 per cent of palm seeds germinate. Choosing fresh fruits from a healthy date tree, and removing the seeds promptly, gives you a better chance at germination success. If the ideal conditions are not met, healthy date seeds may take as much as 100 days to germinate.

Medium and Warmth Influences
Germination success depends largely on the growing medium .It must have a steady temperature and texture during the germination process so the seed is not stressed. An even ratio of perlite to peat moss acts is the best medium for palm seed germination, University of Florida IFAS Extension. Date palm seeds need temperatures consistently above 70 degrees Fahrenheit to stimulate the seed to break through its shell or coat.

Moisture Factor
Water in the growing medium must be evenly distributed and  dry soils stop the germination processes completely. Date palm seeds grow through remote germination, which requires a slightly deep container with well-drained perlite and peat moss. A seedling root does not emerge from the seed, but it produces a cotyledonary petiole or leafstalk. As the petiole grows downward into the moist medium, a root finally appears. Disruptions to the growing seed mean germination will take longer.

Fertilizing Considerations
Although the theory of adding nutrients to the growing medium in the form of fertilizer seems like it would help the germinating seed, it is detrimental to the emerging petiole and seedling root. In fact, you may stunt the seed's germination time or cause the death of the plant. The seed's internal food supply from the endosperm is all it needs to germinate. Fertilizer burns the sensitive roots and creates a hostile environment for a struggling seedling.

Health benefits of dates:

Here are only a few of the reasons why everyone should eat dates regularly:

1. Lowers cholesterol
Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very little fat. Including them in smaller quantities daily diet can help to keep a check on cholesterol level, and even assist in weight loss. So start loading up on dates today.

2. Rich
Looking to load up on proteins. Adding some dates in diet may help. Dates are a strong source of proteins that help us in staying fit, and even keep our muscles strong. A lot of regular gym goers are asked to eat a couple of dates every day as part of their daily routine.

3. Rich in vitamins
Dates contain vitamins such as B1, B2, B3 and B5, as well as A1 and C. If have a few dates every day, won't have to take vitamin supplements. Not only will it keep you healthy, there will be a noticeable change in energy levels as well because dates contain natural sugars such as glucose, sucrose, and fructose, too. So it works really well as a quick snack.

4. Improves bone health
Dates could do wonders for bone health too. Dates are rich in selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, and all of these are required when it comes to keeping our bones healthy and preventing conditions such as osteoporosis.

5. Strengthens the nervous system
The date is loaded with potassium, and yet contain little sodium, and that goes a long way in keeping  nervous system in order. The potassium helps to reduce cholesterol and keeps the risk of a stroke in check.

6. Rich in iron
Apart from the fluorine that keeps  teeth healthy, dates also contain iron, which is highly recommended for those who suffer from iron deficiency. Severe iron-deficiency anaemia may cause fatigue or tiredness, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Plus it's great for blood purification as well.

7. Promotes digestion

If one soak a few dates in water and chew on them daily, your digestive system will behave itself very well. Due to its high fibre content, it is also recommended for those who have trouble with constipation.

8. Improves skin
The vitamins C and D works on your skin's elasticity and also keeps skin smooth. Plus, if  suffer from skin problems, incorporating dates into diet might help in the long run. Plus dates also come with anti-ageing benefits and prevent the accumulation of melanin in  body.

9. Fixes hangovers
While we haven't exactly tried it out, but it's said that dates are an excellent way to control inebriation. And similarly, it also helps to cure hangovers. But for best results,it have to rub the skin a bit, and soak it in water overnight and then eat it.

10. Assists in weight gain
The sugar, proteins, and other vitamins in the fruit help in weight gain, especially when need it. Incidentally, it's said that when eaten with cucumber, dates help to keep weight at a normal level. Now that's what we call flexibility.

Cooking with Dates
Dates are best eaten by themselves. The sweet fruit makes for an excellent breakfast snack, or in cereals and porridge. Plenty of people have even switched to date syrup instead of refined sugar. Jaggery made from date palm tastes delicious with black coffee, and dried dates can be added to cakes, bread, and other dishes. Keep a box of seeded or seedless dates in refrigerator, and make sure to have a few every day. It will also prevent from overeating.

Rose-"Marco Polo" and its characteristic features

Marco Polo - Grandiflora rose

buy online

Breeder: Meilland. 1994.
Blossom: From May to October.
Flower diameter: 5 cm.
Fragrance: Medium.
Adult size: Height up to 80 cm.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Rich and free draining, avoid calcareous soil.
Climate: Very hardy.
Site: Partial shade to full sun.
Planting spacing: 50 cm between each plant.

Characteristics and uses:
The Rosa 'Marco Polo' is a superb flowering bed specimen with its bright medium yellow. Very healthy, its foliage is highly disease resistant. Its flowers are formed with well shape. It can be easily grown mixed in with other Roses with creamy or white shades.

Availability or time of plantation :

When growing in the garden, roses should be planted between November and February. Roses are available all year round and are sold either as seeds or as cuttings. If you are growing in a pot, they can be planted at any time.

 Care Tips:

Roses need to be fed regularly and the amount of feeding will depend on the kind of soil they are planted in. Pruning is also important and should be done after between mid-February and mid-March during a sustained frost-free period.   

Monday, 27 August 2018

Sugarcane: Cultivation, Growing ,Care and Health Benefits



Sugarcane, or sugar cane, are several species of tall perennial true grasses of the genus Saccharum, tribe Andropogoneae, native to the warm temperate to tropical regions of South and Southeast Asia, Polynesia and Melanesia, and used for sugar production.

Parts of a Sugar Cane. Sugar cane is comprised of stalks, leaves and a root system. The stalk contains the juice used to make sugar and is broken up in segments called joints. Each joint has a node (band) and an inter node (area between nodes).

Sugarcane is grown in various kinds of soils, such as red volcanic soils and alluvial soils of rivers. The ideal soil is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay particles, with a measure of organic material. The land is plowed and left to weather for a time before sub soiling is carried out. The crop demands a well-drained soil, and drains—on the surface, underground, or both—are provided according to the topographic conditions of the fields.

Fertilisers are applied to sugarcane from the beginning of planting through the whole growth cycle but not during the ripening period. Optimum amounts of fertiliser vary greatly with soil types, climatic conditions, and the kind and length of the growing cycle.
To secure a good crop, weeds in the cane fields must be attacked until the cane stools develop a good canopy, which checks weed growth. Weeding, still largely manual,  though mechanical cane weeders with attached rakes have been developed. Chemical herbicides are widely used.

The mature cane is harvested by both manual and mechanical means. Some mechanical harvesters are able to sever and discard the tops of erect crops and cut cane stalks, which are delivered into a bin trailer for transport to the mill by tractor or light railway wagon.

Sugarcane is propagated primarily by the planting of cuttings. The sections of the stalk of immature cane used for planting are known as seed cane, or cane sets, and have two or more buds (eyes), usually three. Seed cane is planted in well-worked fields.
Seed cane is spaced 1.4 to 1.8 metres (4.5 to 6 feet) apart at densities 10,000 to 25,000 per hectare (4,000 to 10,000 per acre). Under favourable conditions, each bud germinates and produces a primary shoot. Root bands adjacent to each bud give rise to a large number of roots, and each young shoot develops its own root system. Titillating, or sprouting at the base of the plant, takes place, and each original seed cane develops into a number of growing canes, forming a stool. The plant crop is obtained from these stools.
Another method of cane propagation is by rationing, in which, when the cane is harvested, a portion of stalk is left underground to give rise to a succeeding growth of cane, the ratoon or stubble crop. The ratooning process is usually repeated three times so that three economical crops are taken from one original planting. The yield of ratoon crops decreases after each cycle, and at the end of the last economical cycle all stumps are plowed out and the field is replanted.

Health Benefits of Sugarcane:
It's rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and other electrolytes so it's great for dehydration. It helps cure the common cold and other infections and also fight fever as it boosts the body's protein levels.
Drinking a glass of raw sugarcane juice has a surprising number of health benefits and is loaded with critical nutrients that our body needs. Raw sugarcane juice can lower blood pressure, strengthen the bones, reduce cholesterol, aid in weight loss, fight fevers and infections, and soothe stress. It can help you sleep better, boost energy levels, support kidney health, strengthen the immune system, protect the skin, optimise digestion and manage diabetes, among others.

prevents cancer:
Sugarcane juice is alkaline in nature because of the high concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese, which helps prevent diseases like cancer, that cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Thus it helps in fighting various types of cancer such as prostate and breast cancer.

Sugarcane Juice Nutrition Facts
The nutritional density of sugarcane juice is impressive and includes significant levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, various amino acids, zinc, thiamine, and riboflavin. There are approximately 180 calories in an 8-ounce glass of sugarcane juice, as well as 30 grams of sugar. Furthermore, this juice is high in dietary fibre. It provides antioxidants like flavouring and polyphonic compounds, which can further aid overall health and reduce oxidation stress.

Boosts Energy
Unlike drinks and foods that are packed with processed sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, the natural supply of sugars in sugarcane juice can provide a solid stock of energy that can start your day off strong and regulate the release of glucose in your body for a healthy “sugar high.” Sugarcane juice is an excellent natural choice to re hydrate the body and stave off fatigue.

Skin Care
One of the components of sugarcane juice is alpha hydro acids, specifically glycerol acid, which has been linked to antioxidant effects on the skin. This juice, when regularly consumed, can clear up skin inflammation and infections, while also reducing signs of ageing, such as wrinkles, blemishes, discoloration, and scars.

Support during Pregnancy
Sugarcane juice taken during pregnancy can help to boost metabolism, improve digestion, reduce symptoms of morning sickness, and provide energy throughout the day, thanks to its low glycemic index. It can boost the immune system naturally, rather than having to rely on pharmaceuticals or antibiotics. This juice also helps eliminate symptoms of constipation, another frequent complaint by pregnant women.

Fresh Breath & Fight Cavities
Sugarcane juice is often consumed as a home remedy for tooth decay, and resulting bad breath. Sugarcane has minerals such as calcium and phosphorus that protect the enamel of your teeth, protect against decay, and strengthen your teeth. The high doses of nutrients in this juice help counter bad breath due to nutrient deficiency.

Bone Mineral Density
Intake of this juice boosts calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and manganese levels in the body, making it a critical part of strengthening your bones. This, in turn, helps to prevent the development of osteoporosis. A single glass of this juice every day can keep your bones strong as you age.

Improved Digestion
There are certain laxative qualities of sugarcane juice, thanks to its supply of dietary fibre. The fibre helps stimulate peristaltic motion, heal inflammation in the gut, and relieve symptoms of constipation, bloating and cramping.

Lower Cholesterol Levels
Studies have found that drinking raw sugarcane juice can help to lower overall cholesterol levels, both LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which can further protect heart and prevent cardiovascular disease as you age.

Stress Management
Some of the amino acids found in sugarcane juice, in addition to tryptophan and magnesium, can help to balance stress hormone levels and even help to induce sleep. If you regularly suffer from insomnia or interrupted sleep and give relief from insomnia or interrupted sleep.

Normal Blood Pressure

With its supply of potassium, sugarcane juice is able to reduce the strain and tension in blood vessels and arteries, effectively lowering blood pressure, and reducing your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

Strengthened Immune System
With a rich supply of vitamin C and antioxidants, this juice is known to stimulate and boost the immune system, and reduce infections in the stomach, liver and respiratory tracts. It can also help prevent the onset of chronic disease including cancer or the prostate, colon, and breast.

Prevention of Kidney Stones

Numerous studies have linked the consumption of sugarcane juice with a lower occurrence of urinary tract infections and a lower risk of developing kidney stones.Essentially, this juice detoxifies the body and protects the function of the body’s detoxing centres.

Sugarcane Juice for Weight Loss

Sugarcane juice is rich in dietary fibre that helps to bind with fat and prevent it from being stored in the body, while also making feel full, thus preventing snacking and overeating. The alkaline nature of this juice helps to create the ideal environment for fat-burning, rather than an overly acidic system, while the high natural sugar content provides a huge source of energy, which increases activity and stimulates more calorie-burning.

Sugarcane Juice for Diabetes
This juice has a surprisingly low glycemic index, based on the types of sugars that are found in the juice, so it is actually more beneficial than average fizzy drink or soda, as the sugars are more slowly absorbed and processed by the body, preventing the sugar rush that many people associate with high glycemic beverages. For people not suffering from Type 2 diabetes, this drink can actually help to regulate blood sugar levels, when consumed in moderation.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Strawberry Guava: Growing ,Care and Health Benefits

Buy it now                       Strawberry Guava

Strawberry guava is a large shrub or small tree that is native to South America and loves a warm climate. There are some good reasons to choose strawberry guava plants over the common guava, including more attractive fruit and foliage, and a better tasting tropical fruit.
Strawberry guava is also known as cattle guava, purple guava, or Chinese guava, although it is native to the Americas. Strawberry guava generally grows to heights between six and 14 feet (2 to 4 meters), although they can grow taller. As the name suggests, this tree usually produces a red fruit, but yellow fruits are also possible. The fruit on the strawberry guava is similar to that of the common guava, a fragrant, juicy pulp with seeds. However, the flavor of this type of guava is said to have a strawberry essence and is considered to be less musky. It can be eaten fresh or used to make puree, juice, jam, or jelly.

Strawberry Guava tree in Landscaping:
Overall the Strawberry Guava is a medium sized tree or large bush with an average growth rate.
The Strawberry Guava has multiple small-to-medium sized almond shaped leaves.
The dense evergreen foliage makes this tree a great screen. However, it is also an attractive tree on its own right.
The flowers are small white and relatively inconspicuous.

Strawberry Guavas are available in the summer.

The Strawberry Guava is tolerant of many soil types. However, like many fruit trees, it prefers at least some organic material. Well draining soil is a must.

Water deeply about once a week for established trees. Overall, I have noticed that an established Strawberry Guava tree is rather drought tolerant; the two trees I have here were surviving well without any irrigation when I arrived to the property.

The Strawberry Guava is tolerant to a range of temperatures. It has been said that it will survive temps down to 22F.
On the other side of the temperature spectrum, leaves will get scorched in desert heat.
For more information about the lowest temperatures that you can expect in your area, check out my article.

Full to partial sun. Fruits better in full sun.

Once a year (spring) with balanced fertilizer.

However, regular deep irrigation during fruiting will improve the crop size and fruit flavor. That being said, the main fruiting season is also the rainy season here in California so in my experience  can get away with ignoring an established tree if  want and it will probably be fine. 

Vitamin Contains in strawberry 
Strawberry guavas provide an excellent source of vitamins A and C and fiber, as well as potassium and magnesium. The small fruits are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that may help lower blood cholesterol and promotes digestion. Strawberry guava seeds contain Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which are beneficial for brain development and function.

Health benefits

1. Promotes Weight Loss:

Strawberry Guava helps shed extra calories, while not comprising on protein, vitamin and fibre intake. It is especially rich in fibre, which helps reduce cholesterol and aids in digestion. According to experts, high fibre diets can aid weight loss. Strawberry Guava has lesser sugar compared to other fruits like grapes, oranges, and apples.

2. Stimulates Digestion:

Strawberry guava is rich in dietary fibre, and vitamin C. Fiber helps stimulate digestion and helps push food through the small intestine. This makes it an excellent digestive. Not only is it delicious, it will help in the digestion process as well.

4. Anti-Carcinogenic:

This is perhaps the most important health benefit . Strawberry guavas have anti-carcinogenic properties. They are crammed with cancer-fighting free radicals and polyphenols that restrict tumour growth and purge the body of harmful free radicals. They also contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Lycopene has been shown to be effective in preventing certain types of cancer.

5. Improves Eyesight:

Strawberry Guavas contain good amounts of vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiencies can lead to night blindness and weak vision. Consuming vitamin A regularly helps improve eyesight and boosts your health. Vitamin A can help prevent cataract formation and improves the general health of your eyes as well.

6. Treats Dysentery:

Strawberry guava fruit is rich in vitamin C and fiber, which makes it excellent for maintaining your stomach health. When you chew the fruit, its astringent properties inhibit microbial growth and help flush excess mucus from your intestine, thereby helping cure dysentery.

7. Thyroid Health:

Strawberry guavas are a rich source of copper. Copper is quite important and helps regulate your metabolism by promoting thyroid metabolism, which helps regulate hormone production and absorption.

8. Constipation:

This fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which makes it an effective remedy for heart problems, high blood cholesterol, and high blood sugar. Fiber is an excellent digestive and a bulking agent. Fiber bulks up the hardened stool and helps force it through the intestines.

9. Promotes Brain Health:

Strawberry guavas also contain decent amounts of B-vitamins like B­6 and B3, which are quite crucial for brain development. In fact, Vitamin B­3 increases blood flow to the brain and also stimulates cognitive functions. Thus, eating strawberry guavas can improve your brain health.

10. Treats Scurvy:

Strawberry Guava is more nutritious than other fruits like orange and other citrus fruits. The surprising fact is that it contains about 5 times the amount of vitamin C in such fruits. This property makes it an important food to treat vitamin deficiencies like scurvy and boost immunity. 

11. Improves Complexion

Guava helps regain the skin’s radiance and freshness. Reap the benefits by preparing a DIY scrub at home: All have to do is mash some guava flesh with an egg yolk and apply it on  face. Rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water. When used once or twice a week, this scrub will remove dead cells from your skin and lighten your complexion. Guavas are also a great source of Vitamin K, which helps get rid of skin discoloration, dark circles, redness and acne irritation.

Strawberry Guava fruit food uses:
Many people will just eat them right off the tree.
The fruit is also made into jams.
It is also used to flavor beverages, ice creams, and desserts.

Strawberry guavas are most often eaten fresh straight from the tree. Fruit picked while still slightly green will continue to ripen off the tree. Their high pectin content makes them ideal for making jams or jellies. A popular use for the Strawberry guava is making a paste that can be spread on toast, or put into pastries. Strawberry guavas pair well with ginger, lemon, other tropical fruits as well as creamy cheeses. Strawberry guavas have a short shelf life and should be consumed within a few days.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Amra, Golden Apple tree (Spondias cytherea) Growing ,Care, Use and its Health Benefits.

                                   Amra Fruit & Health benefits

Amra fruit is a fruit that tastes a bit sour but sweet. Amra fruit has a fairly large seeds and seeds form like rambutan, but white. Besides it tastes fresh, amra fruit also has various health benefits. And not just fruit is beneficial, but the stems and leaves of fruit amra also has a variety of benefits.

Amra is also known as golden apple, yellow mombin or hog plum is a species a tree and flowering plant.

Family: Anacardiacae

Society Islands of the South Pacific

Height: 40-50ft (12-15m)

Spread: Open spreading canopy; 40-50ft (12-15m)

Plant habit:
Erect, stately usually stiff in appearance; symmetrical

Growth rate:

light grey-brown bark: graceful, rounded branches

Deciduous; large, glossy, 8-12in (20-30cm); pinnately compound; 10-18 leaflets; 2.5-3in (6-8cm)

Flowers: Whitish, small, inconspicuous; large, loose terminal panicles, 8-12in. (20-30cm); bisexual and self-fertile; March-April

Orange-yellow; clusters of 3-20; globular to ovoid; drupe; tough skin; yellow pulp, fibrous; single large seed; 2-3in. (5-8cm)

Season: November through May

Light requirement:
Full sun

Soil tolerances:
All types of soil, including oolitic limestone in Florida, as long as they are well-drained

pH preference:

Drought tolerance:
Mature trees are drought tolerant

Flood tolerance:
Not tolerant

Salt tolerance: Poor

Cold tolerance: 30°F (-1°C)

Plant spacing:
50-60ft (15-18m) unless provisions are made to control tree size

Roots: Potable water can be derived from the roots in emergency

Pest resistance: Few pests; nutritional problems on highly alkaline soils

The fruit may present a choking hazard if the core and fibres are not properly removed. Contact with foliage and sap may cause dermatitis in some individuals.


Propagation of this tree is very easily accomplished by rooting large hardwood cuttings. Superior varieties can be air-layered also. Seedlings often produce variable fruit, so most people prefer to propagate ambarella by hardwood cuttings or by air-layering.


Fruits at maturity have a yellow to golden-orange skin and an orangery-yellow pulp surrounding a single large spiny seed. Flavour varies from acid to sweet and most people eat this as a fresh fruit, However, it does make excellent preserves, jellies or sauces.

The stone, or seed casing, has spines that stick out into the flesh and complicates the use of the fruit. Seeds are produced in 5 small cavities in the stone. Only 1 or 2 of the seeds will be developed.

The fruits usually drop off when they turn yellow. They can be picked green and they will turn yellow in about 5 days at room temperature. The taste is reminiscent of pineapples. The fruit can be used in jams, jellies and sauces when ripe, and when unripe, in pickles or relishes. A very tasty jam can be made.
Hog plums are commonly eaten raw in the Caribbean and in Asia, where the fruits grow naturally. Hog plums are related to mangoes and have a sweet sour taste, depending on ripeness. The fruits can be eaten raw and whole as a snack, but they are commonly made into fresh juices, or used to produce ice cream, jams and jellies. In Mexico, unripe hog plums are pickled to make a sour-spicy side dish.

Health Benefits:

All Nutrition are useful for human body but Amra or Amraa Fruit is very useful for men, Women, babies as well as permanent patients.

Amra Fruit has many benefits for normal men and patients. So it need to use in & its season to grow up your body with some useful vitamins.

1. Vitality
The main content contained in amra fruit is in the form of sucrose sugar elements that are important to supplement our energy and vitality. So the water content is high enough and helpful in digestion and prevent dehydration. Besides other benefits amra fruit is low fat content, so the fruit is suitable as a snack food diet refreshing. Moreover, carbohydrate and protein content also includes low. In addition, there is also in part the use of fruit amra fatherly cure and overcome the wounds caused by burns.

2.Treating cough
Take 2 or 3 pieces amra. Wash thoroughly, then grate. Without the added water squeeze the water. Add a little salt, Drinks to people 3 times a day.

3.Protects Against Heart Disease
Researchers found that hog plums were naturally high in antioxidants, which they compared to the heart medication,The study found that hog plums reduced overall cholesterol levels and that their antioxidant effect on heart health . The conclusion was that hog plums may be beneficial for overall heart health, but longer term research is needed.

4.Treating Dysentery
The leaves and bark of this tree contains many flavanoida, saponins and tannins. The content is very useful to cure dysentery and cough cure. To make herbal potions to cure dysentery we simply take kedondong bark about 5 gr. Select the skin fresh and clean. After it was sliced ​​in the form of small pieces and boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining half. Then set aside to be warmer, then strain and drink the water.

5.Rich in Vitamin C
Hog plums are rich in vitamin C, which, in addition to being an essential vitamin, is a natural antioxidant, protecting your body from damage caused by free radicals, potentially reducing your risk of heart disease. A 100-gram portion of hog plums has 46.4 milligrams of vitamin C per serving. This provides 39 to 49 percent of the daily intake needed each day. Vitamin C gives support to your immune system, and it helps with the production of collagen, which keeps your skin, ligaments, tendons and cartilage healthy.

6.Rich in Iron
A 100-gram serving of hog plums has 2.8 milligrams of iron. This provides 15.5 to 35 percent of the recommended intake of iron per day. Iron is essential for overall health and body function because it is needed to produce hemoglobin and myoglobin, both of which carry oxygen throughout your body. Hemoglobin is stored in red blood cells, so having enough iron in your diet is key for red blood cell production.

Wood Apple: Germination ,Growing ,Care, Use and its Surprising Health Benefits.

                          Wood  Apple

Wood apples look like small coconuts with a hard brown shell and a rough exterior similar to tree bark.The mature fruit is dropped on the ground from a height of about 1 foot. If it bounces, it is not ripe yet. The pulp of the Wood apple is brown, strongly pungent, mealy in texture, resinous, astringent, and tastes acidic or sweet depending on the variety. Ripe Wood apple pulp is similar to tamarind in texture and in scent, with an aroma reminiscent of raisins. Within the pulp are numerous small, crunchy, white, edible seeds.

The wood-apple is native and common in the wild in dry plains of India and Ceylon and cultivated along roads and edges of fields and occasionally in orchards. It is also frequently grown throughout Southeast Asia, in northern Malaya and on Penang Island. In India, the fruit was traditionally a "poor man's food" until processing techniques were developed in the mid-1950's.

There are 2 forms, one with large, sweetish fruits; one with small, acid fruits.

Scientific name: Limonia acidissima

Flower Color: White

Mature Height: 50-60 ft

Planting Depth: Plant 6" deep

Temperature: -5°C to 10°C

Light Requirements: Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade

Plant Type / Life Cycle: Perennial

Soil Type: Loamy Soil,


Pectin: The pectin has potential for multiple uses in pectin-short India, but it is reddish and requires purification.

Rind: The fruit shell is fashioned into snuffboxes and other small containers.

Gum: The trunk and branches exude a white, transparent gum especially following the rainy season. It is utilized as a substitute for, or adulterant of, gum arabic, and is also used in making artists' watercolors, ink, dyes and varnish. It consists of 35.5% arabinose and xylose, 42.7% d-galactose, and traces of rhamnose and glucuronic acid.

Wood: The wood is yellow-gray or whitish, hard, heavy, durable, and valued for construction, pattern-making, agricultural implements, rollers for mills, carving, rulers, and other products. It also serves as fuel.
The heartwood contains ursolic acid and a flavanone glycoside, 7-methylporiol-b-D-xylopyranosyl-D-glucopyranoside.

Medicinal Uses: The fruit is much used in India as a liver and cardiac tonic, and, when unripe, as an astringent is effective treatment for hiccough, sore throat and diseases of the gums. The pulp is poulticed onto bites and stings of venomous insects, as is the powdered rind.
Juice of young leaves is mixed with milk and sugar candy and given as a remedy for biliousness and intestinal troubles of children. The powdered gum, mixed with honey, is given to overcome dysentery .
Oil derived from the crushed leaves is applied on itch and the leaf detection is given to children as an aid to digestion. Leaves, bark, roots and fruit pulp are all used against snakebite.  The bark is chewed applied on venomous wounds.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Curry Leaf Germination ,Growing ,Care, Use and its Health Benefits.

                    CURRY LEAF & HEALTH BENEFITS

Curry leaf plant (Murraya koenigii) "Curry Leaf" plant, a herb, is native to India and Sri Lanka. The aromatic leaves of this plant are used to flavor many Indian dishes, especially in curries.These plants like full sun and grow anywhere between 1 and 3 feet in containers. They bloom in summer; they need a minimum temperature of 55° F.
The most flavorful leaves are produced when the plants are grown in hot and dry conditions.

Growing Tips Of Curry Leaf Plant:

Watering: They like very well drained soil and preferably be on the dry side. Allow the soil to come to a state of visual dryness between watering. Be consistent in watering and ensure the soil does not go to extreme dryness or constantly wet.
Misting your plants daily with plain water in summer months and occasionally during winter months also help to control spider mites which love this plant!!

Fertilizing: They need fertilizer during growing season, spring / summer months. They are light feeders; use ¼ tsp of fertilizer per gallon of water once a month. When active growth stops in winter, discontinue feeding. Use a balanced fertilizer like a 15-15-15. I use Miracle grow.

Propagation: Easily propagated from seeds, stem cuttings or rooted suckers from the mother plant. I propagate by growing the small suckers from the base of the mother plant. I separate the suckers and plant in good potting soil in gallon pots. Feed and grow them for 1 or 2 months then send them to the shops for sale or share with friends.

Winter care: When temperature drops below to 55° bring your pot indoors to a bright window area. Expect your plants to drop some leaves when transitioning to indoor climates. Do not feed during winter. Water only once a week. If you don’t have a bright window you need to move the plant out to sun light 4 hours in a week to give them a boost.
Hardy to Zone 9 and higher for outdoors.

Health Benefits of Curry Leaves

Most people think that curry leaves just add flavor to the food but many people realize, and they offer a number of health benefits without any side effects.

Research studies conducted by Mylarappa B. Ningappa et al. at Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Molecular Parasitology and Protein Engineering Laboratory in Bengaluru, India have indicated that curry leaves are a good source of antioxidants. The presence of various vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E help in reducing oxidative stress and free radical scavenging activity. They are also available in dried powder form.
Anti-diabetic Properties

Perhaps one of the biggest health benefits of curry leaves is its use in diabetes control. Research conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Madras, Chennai showed that the anti-hyperglycemic properties of the leaves were beneficial in controlling blood glucose level in diabetic rats.
Fight Cancer

The chemical constituents found in curry leaves such as phenols are helpful in fighting cancers such as leukemia, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancers. Research on these leaves at the Department of Medical Chemistry at the Mejio University, Japan showed evidence of cancer-fighting properties in the carbazole alkaloids extracts from curry leaves.
Lower Cholesterol Levels

Curry leaves are also known to reduce LDL or bad cholesterol levels. Studies conducted at the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Kerala, India have shown that they have the potential to reduce LDL cholesterol levels.
Hair Care

Curry leaves are believed to help in strengthening hair roots. Dry curry leaf powder mixed with oil can be applied to your hair. The paste from curry leaves can also be applied in cases of gray hair. Doing these on a regular basis can improve hair growth as well.
Good for Eyesight

Curry leaves contain high amounts of vitamin A and therefore is good for eyesight. Vitamin A contains carotenoids which protect the cornea, the eye surface. Deficiency of vitamin A may cause night blindness, cloud formations in front of the eye and even loss of vision in some cases.
Radioprotective and Chemo-protective

Studies on the extracts of curry leaves have shown positive results in reducing the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. They also offer protection against chromosomal damage, protection of bone marrow, and prevention of free radicals becoming active in the body.
Protect Against Pathogen Attack

Research on curry leaves has revealed that they are also effective in fighting bacterial and fungal infections. The leaf extracts from the plant have been comparable to popular mainstream antibiotic drugs.
Protect the Liver

Our  liver plays a major role in the digestive process and it needs to be protected from any attack by free radicals, as well as from viral and bacterial attacks that can result in infection. Research on curry leaves has indicated that the tannins and carbazole alkaloids present in the leaves exhibited good hepato-protective properties. They are also helpful in protecting the liver from various diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Skin Care

Curry leaves are also helpful in skin care. The juice or paste of the leaves can be applied to burns, cuts, bruises, skin irritations, and insect bites for a quick recovery and clean healing.

How to use curry leaves for hair?

Curry leaves are very popular in hair care, primarily because of the antioxidants and amino acids the leaves contain. You can take a handful of these leaves and then mix them with yogurt, smashing them up into a paste. Apply this directly to your hair and leave the mixture in for half an hour. Then, wash the mixture out and clean your hair as usual. This can help rejuvenate hair follicles and prevent hair loss.

How to make curry leaves oil?

It should start with a pan of coconut oil that you heat up before dropping in the curry leaves. Allow this mixture to simmer for 10-15 minutes and then let the oil cool down. You can strain the oil at that point, and then use the remaining curry leaf oil whenever you want to massage your scalp or prevent premature graying.

How to make curry leaves powder?

To make curry leaf powder, all you need is a pan, curry leaves, and a pinch of salt. Heat the dried leaves in the pan until they begin to brown and curl/crisp. Don’t burn the leaves. Add the salt gradually and put the leaves in a food processor or blender. The leaves will powder very quickly into a fine green spice that you can add to dishes. Delicious and easy to prepare!

How to use curry leaves?
Curry leaves can be used in a number of different ways, either in the preparation of food or for certain health benefits that this unique plant can bestow. You can make curry leaf oil and use it to increase hair growth or prevent premature graying. You can make curry leaf powder and add it to your food to benefit from the antioxidant content of the leaves. You can also grind fresh leaves into a paste and apply it to the skin to prevent infections.

There is nothing like picking fresh curry leaves just the right amount when you need them.

Monday, 13 August 2018

Cascabela Thevetia (kolke flower) Germination , Growing ,Care, and its Use.


Cascabela Thevetia is a tropical evergreen shrub or small tree commonly called yellow oleander.It is native to the West Indies, southern Mexico and Belize. Cascabela grows well full sun to part shade. Plants generally grow best when overwintering period is short. Yellow oleander  grows 20-30" tall in its native habitat. Cascabela is the type of evergreen broadleaf.

        Common name: Yellow Oleander
        Family:   Apocynaceaea
        Type: Broadleaf evergreen
        Height: 4.00 to 10.00 feet
        Spread: 4.00 to 5.00 feet
        Bloom time: Seasonal bloomer
        Water: Medium
        Maintenance: Low
        Flower: Showy, Fragrant


    Cascabela grown with moderate light and very little water. They need water regularly but let plant soils dry out between watering.

Soil making:

   It grows well in average, medium moisture soils in full sun to part shade. The new seed sprouts out in rich,sandy soils. Container plant grows best in fertile soils with good drainage. Cutting may be needed in late summer.

Growing details of Cascabela:
      Cascabela likes full to partial sun and overwinter.They grow best when overwinter is short. It grows well in regular watering with well drainage. It needed  lightly prune to shape after flowering.
Plants are 4-8 feets apart and glossy green leaves(6-7" long). Flowers bloom from summer to fall.

Garden Uses: 

       These plants are used in a variety of landscape which including hedges, screens, foundation plantings and borders. Plants need 8-10 zones. Sunny decks, patios and other location around the home are needed for container plants.

 Insect and Disease:

      There is no serious problems in insect or diseases.  Sometimes caterpillars may chew on the foliage. If occurs treat early with organic or chemical repellents and fungicide.

Poisoning to Health:

       Yellow oleander produces seeds which are highly poisonous contain thevetin, thevetoxin and peruvoside. It causes death for human beings .Now-a- days ingestion of  yellow oleander seeds has become a popular method of suicide in Sri Lanka and other countries in Asia.