Saturday 15 September 2018

Eucalyptus/Nilgiri : Plant description, Propagation, Uses



Nilgiri is a midium sized, tall, fast growing tree and reaches about 25-50 meter tall, and 2 meter in diameter. It is native to Austrellia, Tasmania and nearby islands.This is also called "gum tree", "red iron tree". Leaves are covered with a bluish white bloom. The adult leaves are alternate, and are 6-12 inches long and 1-2 inches broad. It flowers are white, cream, yellow, pink, or red in colour. The woody fruits or capsules are roughly cone-shaped and have valves at the end which open to release the seeds, which are waxy, rod-shaped, about 1 mm in length, and yellow-brown in colour.

Botanical name: Eucalyptus

Family: Myrtaceae

Life cycle: Perennial

Plant height : 300 ft

Leaf Colour: Green

Flower Colour: White, cream, yellow, pink, or red

Temperature: 20-30°C

Light: Full sun/ half sun

Soil: Loamy soil

Climate : Tropical, subtropical

Advantage: Easy to grow


  • It grows well in deep, fertile, well drained loamy soil with adequate moisture.
  • It is propagated through seeds, soft wood cuttings and semi hard wood cuttings. At the time planting it must be taken into account that ts roots are not broken. It needs water before and after planting. It requires full sunlight. 

  • Eucauellyptus wood is used as fuel. 
  • Apart from the fuel it is used as the pulpwood in the manufacture of the paper as well as raw material. It is used as the poles for the construction of huts and houses. It is used in making plywood, doors and windows. 
  • Essencial oil is extracted from the leaves. Which is used as ayurvedic treatment 

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