Wednesday 19 September 2018

Kadamb Flower: Plant description, Growing tips and its uses

                                                  Kadamb Flower

Kadamba tree is an evergreen, tropical tree that can reach up to 45 m (148 ft.) in height. It is a large tree with a broad crown and straight cylindrical bole. It is quick growing, with broad spreading branches and grows rapidly in the first 6–8 years. Bark is dark grey in color, rough. Leaves are glossy green, 30 cm long 10-15 cm broad with prominent veins. Flowering usually begins when the tree is 4–5 years old. Kadam flowers are sweetly fragrant, red to orange in color, approximately 5.5 cm (2.2 in) diameter. Fruits are round like small balls, green when young turning to yellow when ripe. Seeds are trigonal or irregularly shaped.

Botanical name: Neolamarckia cadamba

Family : Rubiaceae

Life cycle: Perennial

Plant height : 45 m

Leaf Colour: Green

Flower Colour: Yellow, Orange

Temperature: 16-35 °C

Light: Full sun/ half sun

Soil: Loamy, sandy

Climate : Tropical, subtropical

Advantage: Easy to growth

Growing tips:-
  •  It grows best in warm and humid climate and rich loamy soil.
  • The growth is rapid in the first 6-8 years and the tree attains maximum size in about 20 years.
  • Tree comes to flowering when 4-5 years old.
  • Planted near houses and roadsides as a shade tree.
  •  Kadamba leaves may develop yellowing due to iron deficiency. 


  • The flowers has a sweet smell just like orange. The flowers are used in perfumes.
  • The bark of the plant is used for gargling to treat mouth ulcers and inflammation of the gum.
  • The juice of the fruit is used to increase the breast milk in lacking women.

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