Friday 14 September 2018

Sthol padma/Confederate rose plant : Description, Growing tips & Uses

                                 Sthol padma/Confederate rose

Sthol-padma or Confederate rose is a wonderful Perennial hibiscus that comes from China. The deciduous plant is introduced to Indian sub-continent and USA. This fast growing woody shrub can grow up to 10-15 meter tall.Leaves are simple, alternate, deeply cordate, 3-5 lobed, 8-15 cm long, hairy on both surfaces.The flowers of hibiscus mutabilis are large or small, double or single, 9-18cm long, white, red or pink in colour. It is called 'changeable rose' as it changes color with the change of time.

Botanical name: Hibiscus mutabilis

Family :Annonaceae

Life cycle: Perennial

Plant height : 10 to 15 ft

Leaf Colour: Green

Flower Colour: White, red, pink

Temperature: 25 to 38 °C

Light: Full sun/ half sun

Soil: Well drained soil

Climate : Tropical, subtropical

Advantage: Easy to grow

Growing Tips:

Confederate rose is propagated by both cutting and seeding. The seeds should be sown in temperature of 13-18°C.Confederate rose grows in full sun in a moist, fertile soil with good drainage system. It is tolerant of partial sun exposures and poorer soils, but the overall plant shape and flowering will likely be reduced. To promote continued flowering, remove the developing hairy seed capsules.

  • Confederate leaves is useful in cough, heavy menstrual bleeding, lung diseases.
  • The flower is useful in swelling.
  • If the flower & leaves used in  bathing water. It will soften the skin.

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