Telakucha/ Ivy Gourd
Telakucha is a kind of perennial climbing herbal vine sized almost 9 ft tall. which grows in a sun-drenched protected place. Normally it prefers sandy soil. Leaves are of five lobes like pentagon form and green coloured. the length of the leaf is 5-10 cm. Upper surface of the leaf is hairless, while the lower is hairy. Flowers are usually star-shaped, large and white and about 4 cm in diameter. The fruit is smooth, small and ellipse in shape which is called Ivy gourd also known as berry. Its dimensions are 60 mm long by 15-35 mm in diameter. The clear white flesh of the fruit looks like the appearance as well as taste of the cucumber.
Botanical name: Coccinia grandis
Family :Cucurbitaceae
Life cycle: Perennial
Plant height : 9 ft
Leaf Colour: Green
Flower Colour: white
Temperature: 16-35 °C
Light: Full sun/ half sun
Soil: Loamy, sandy
Climate : Tropical, subtropical
Advantage: Easy to grow
- Freshly extracted plant juice of Telakucha has traditionally been used for treating diabetes as it controls sugar level of blood.
- The application of paste, prepared from the leaves and dry fruit of Ivy-gourd has been used topically, for curing skin infections, scabies, and eczema and skin eruptions.
- Regular intake of leaf juice of Coccinia indica has helped to flush-out toxins through urine discharge. It has also been reported to cure urinary tract infections. The dried bark of Telakucha has been found cathartic properties, preventing formation of kidney stones.
- The ethanolic extract of fruit of Coccinia indica remove toxins from liver to cure poor liver functions and reduce fat absorption in liver.
- Regular intake of two tea-spoonful root powder of Telakucha in warm water after dinner, which has enhanced the digestion process and ensure bowel smoothness due to presence of dietary fibres.