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Botanical Name: Pithecellobium dulce
English Name: Manila Tamarind
Other Name: Jungle Jalebi, Madras thorn, Ganga Imli, Goras Amli, Dakhani Babul

The pods are relished by monkeys and livestock. The flowers are attractive to bees as source of pollen. The resulting honey is of high quality. The tree can be used in construction and for posts. The reddish-brown heartwood is dense and difficult to cut. The short spines and irregular. crooked growth make it less attractive for wood uses.The tree is used extensively as a shade with a great tolerance of arid and harsh sites and can be managed as a hedge.
Use and Benefits:
1. The seed pods contain a sweet and sour pulp that which is eaten raw as an accompaniment to various meat dishes and used as a base for drinks with sugar and water.

3. Pithecellobium dulce is used to counter gum diseases.
4. It provides relief from toothache.
5. The bark and pulp are astringent and homeostatic.
6. The bark is used to cure dysentery.
7. And grounded seeds are optimal for cleaning ulcer.
8. Extract of the leaves is used for gall ailments and to prevent miscarriage.
9. Pithecellobium dulce is used to deal burns.
10. It curbs intestinal disease.
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