Monday 10 September 2018

Belladonna Lily, Naked Ladies: flower description, planting and caring

                 Belladonna Lily, Naked Ladies

This unique lily is a favorite of many gardeners.  Its bulbs are somewhat poisonous, so don't taste them. In spring, amaryllis-like leaves appear and die down. Then in mid to late summer, several thin but strong stems arise, each with a cluster of buds. In no time, a big bouquet of 4' pink lilies in full bloom. They're 'Naked Ladies' since they bloom on leafless stalks. But that brings us to their unique usefulness.All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Toxic to dog and cats.

Common Name : Belladonna Lily, Naked Ladies
Botanical Name : Amaryllis belladonna
Flower Color : Pink, yellow, white
Mature Height : 24-36" tall
Tempareture: -10°C to 5°C
Planting Time : Spring / Summer
Bloom Time : Mid to late summer
Plant Type / Life Cycle : Annual
Soil Type : Loamy Soil
Advantages : Deer Resistant, Easy to Grow, Fragrant, Cut Flowers, Containers, Rock Gardens

Planting and caring
  • Find a location where the soil drains well. If there are still water puddles 5-6 hours after a hard rain, scout out another site. Or amend the soil with the addition of organic material to raise the level 2-3" to improve the drainage. Peat moss, compost, ground bark or decomposed manure all work well and are widely available. Belladonna lilies will not thrive in wet soils.
  • Site your bulbs where they will receive full sun.
  • Dig holes and plant the tear dropp shaped bulbs with their tips just at the soil surface and space 12" apart. The bulbs are large with slight pointed tops - plant with the points facing upwards.
  • After planting, water well to settle the soil around the bulbs. Roots will form in the autumn. Flowers are produced in mid to late summer with foliage following thereafter.
  • When in bloom, feel free to cut belladonna lilies for spectacular arrangements. This will not hurt the plants.
  • After blooming has finished for the season, foliage will develop. The leaves will gather sunlight, create food through photosynthesis and strengthen the bulbs for the future. Water as needed during active growth periods; about 1" of moisture per week is a good estimate. 
  • By late summer or early fall the foliage may yellow and die back. Your bulbs will rest for a few months before beginning the next growing cycle. In the warmest regions the folaige may stay green until mid spring. Then it will yellow and die back. When the foliage is absent and the bulbs are dormant, withhold water.

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