Tuesday 11 September 2018

Carrot: germination and ameging health benefits

Carrot is the kind of vegetable which grows mainly in winter based country. Moreover it also grows in native Asia, Africa, Europe. In India it grows mainly in winter.
 Carrot is the root part of the plant. This is a conical shaped and deep orange coloured vegetable. This deep colour indicates  it has a rich anti-oxydent.  

4.bamboo or wood

The carrot plant can germinate in the temperature of 10-27 degree tempareture. As the root is the main eaten part, we should do the germination procedure in that way, the plant can easily grow or spread their roots. 
At very first we have to take sand(40%) and soil(60%). Now mix it very well. We can use flower pot or apply it direct on ground. After that take the soil mixture on the pot then  sows the seeds and again sows a little bit of the soil mixture to cover the seeds.The soil should be very sandy.
If use pot make sure about good holes on it for good drainage system. Watering is very important for carrot plant.Do not flood on it. Put sufficient water. Fertilize is also very important.Now another very important thing is barricade. Make a barricade around it. If  we do not make barrier another strong rooted plant may absorb all nutrition from it.
 We maximum use carrot for making  salad. Moreover, we eat different kind of dishes of carrot.

Colour: orange, yellow, purple
Hight: 50 cm
Temparature: 10-27 degree
Season: winter
Light Requirement: full sunlight
Water: sufficient

Health benefits:
  • Carrots have beta carotene, anti-oxydant that converted to vitamin A which helps to repair skin tissue.
  • Carrots also reduces hair problems.It has Vitamin A, B, E, magnesium and phosphorus that improve blood circulation which promotes hair growth.
  • It is a weight loss friendly food and can  lower cholesterol level and improve eye health.
  • Viamin A remove  toxin from our body and make our body clean.

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