Thursday 13 September 2018

Rama tulsi: The Herbal plant description, Growing description & Health benefits

                                                        Rama Tulsi
Rama tulsi is known across South Asia as a medicinal plant and a herbal tea, commonly used in Ayurveda. Its leaves are heavy branched having hair all over. It attains the height of about 75 – 90 cm. It has round oval shaped leaves which are up to 5 cm long.Many Hindus have tulsi plants growing in front of or near their home, often in special pots or special small masonry structures. Traditionally, Tulsi is planted in the center of the central courtyard of Hindu houses.

Botanical name: Ocimum sanctum

Family : Lamiaceae

Plant height :1.50-2 ft

Colour: Green

Flower Colour: Magenta

Life Cycle: Perennial

Temperature: 36-40 degrees C

 Light: Full Sun/ half sun

Soil: Well drained soil

Advantages: Easy to grow

Growing & Caring

Seeds should be sowed in early spring. Grows best in full sun in moderately rich and well-drained soil kept well watered. Space large-leafed cultivars 1/2 apart and mulch to retain moisture.
It is a hardy annual but can grow as a perennial if the flowers are cut before blooming. Sow tulsi seeds in a well-drained, fertile, lightweight soil and cover with a thin layer of soil. Allow tusli to receive at least four hours of sunlight and protect from harsh afternoon sun and high heat. Water the holy basil thoroughly and allow to dry out between waterings. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the active growing period and discontinue during the cooler months when the tulsi plant goes dormant.

plant care may require a bit of effort, but the results are well worth the work. Not all plants are fragrant, but the most common and hardy do produce a sweet, carrying fragrance. Common is a vine and has larger glossy green leaves than Royal. Both can survive in temperate climates if they are planted in a sheltered area.

Health Benefits:
  • Tulsi may cure fever, cold,cough and sore throat
  • It beats stress
  • It may desolve kidney stone
  • It may protect the heart as it has medicinal propertie
  • It beats cancer
  • help in quitting smoking
  • beats stress
  • reduce blood sugar level
  • keep skin and hair healthy

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