Wednesday 12 September 2018

Thanquni: plant description and its heath benefits


                              Thanquni plant
Thanquni is the kind of vine plant valuable medicinal herb of both Old World and the New World.It grows in near natural water.It is distributed throughout tropical and subtropical regions of World such as India, China, Nepal, Madagascar, Srilanka and Indonesia etc.This herb can be eaten as a vegetable every day and it can also be used as a herbal medication.

The leaves, 1-3 from each node of stems, long petioled, 2- 6cm long and 1.5-5cm wide. Flowers are 3-4" white to purple or pink flowers, . Fruits are borne throughout the growing season in approx 2 inches long.
Botanical name: Centella asiaticae

Plant nature: Vine

Colour: Green

Life cycle: perennial

Temperature: 150-350 c

light: Full Sun

Soil: Loamy, wet soil

Climate: Tropical, subtropical

Advantage: Essential herb for stomach

Health Benefits:
  • Ths is very esential herb for stomach. Regular eating of thanquni can get rid of any abdominal pain. Do not suffer stomach ache.
  • Apart from the abdominal pain, it is possible to cure ulcers and various skin diseases. Thanquni can be used in more ways. For example, skin glow and new hair growth can not be terminated.
  • The Bacoside A and Bacoside B components of the Thanquni helps in the formation of brain cells and increase blood circulation.
  • It is better to have small amounts of bark, pineapple kachipata 1, raw halus juice, 4/5 of the so-called 'chickpea', and the stomach acids are good after eating them together. It's even more effective for younger kids.
  • Thanaquni is very useful for skin cells. Thanquinar juice can regenerate dying cells. And from being dry, the dry skin becomes smooth.

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