Aglaonema Plant
Aglaonema Lady Valentine is hardy, low maintenance, air purifier and good luck bringer houseplant. The plant is almost the height of 6-10 inch.The plant almost height of 6-10 inches.The foliage is the colour of hot pink with speckled green. This dramatic foliage makes the plant attractive and fantastic indoor feature plant. This can be found almost 150+ extremely elegant hybrid varieties of different shapes, shades and colors.Aglaonema is also known as Chinese evergreen
Common Name:Aglaonema Lady Valentine
Botanical Name:Aglaonema Modestum
Family: Araceae
Life Cycle:Perennial
Plant Height:6-10 inch
Foliage Colour:Hot pink with speckled green
Flower Colour:Greenish-white
Tempareture: 15 C to 25 C
Light Requirements:Shade, artificial light
Soil Type:Loamy soil
Advantages:Low maintenance
Growing Tips
Aglaonema tolerate full temperature. If the plant is in high light the soil should be potting mix and dry before watering .In lower light soil should be dry completely between watering. The temperature should remain above 60℉. In cold temperature the foliage may damage.Keep the plant full and bushy, remove some of the new leaves as they appear. Do this firmly. As the new leaf grows from and hold the new leaf near its base and gently pull. Scissors should not be used. Otherwise insects can attract. Remove flowers or bracts in the same way. Do not plant it in direct sunlight.
As a house plant.